The Bible makes it very clear that Jesus suffered greatly on the cross, both physically and spiritually. We considered Psalms 22 in other teachings, but one should also consider Psalms 116:3, which states that The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow, as well as Acts 2:24, which states that Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. There was a great suffering on that day that none of us who are in Christ will every experience, praise God. That suffering, along with His shed blood, were sufficient to satisfy the penalty for sin required by the Law, AND exceed it. God raised Jesus up as proof that death and sin no longer had power over Israel under that old, Mosaic, temple system. A new temple was being established, a spiritual temple, which was Christ (and His body - the church).
Another sign that the Law had been satisfied was the renting of the temple veil separating the Most Holy Place - it was split from top to bottom - not so that man could come in to where God dwelled, necessarily, but so that God could rush out to His people and dwell amongst them, a desire of His from the beginning of time.
There were other signs of Jesus' divinity, which were witnessed by the Roman soldiers who had tortured Him and hung Him on the cross, as well as some of the women followers. We also see in Matthew that, after Jesus' resurrection, the graves of the saints were opened, and these saints went into Jerusalem and showed themselves to many. We do not have any additional evidence of this event in the Word or from historians, but we must believe it by faith. Just as Lazarus came out of the tomb in John 11, these saints who had died under the Old Covenant came out of their tombs after Jesus' resurrection.
But there was a spiritual resurrection to come, when the entire Old Covenant, Mosaic temple system came to its finality in 70 AD and the New Covenant/Kingdom of God came. Jesus is here and lives in the hearts and minds of His people, the church! That is very good news!
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