I love a good thriller where the main character outsmarts the bad guy and causes the villain to fall into his own trap! It's even more thrilling when the audience has no clue how on earth the protagonist is going to pull off this great feat, but when it happens and everything works as planned, entertainment is at its zenith. Right now I'm thinking of the Sherlock series starring Benedict Cumberbatch. My entire family loves this show, because Sherlock Holmes is always one step ahead of the antagonist--and usually the audience as well!
The same is true with our God! Paul tells us in his first letter to the Corinthians that the princes of this world who are in allegiance with Satan (once Lucifer) had no clue that the cross would be the very instrument the Father would use to destroy their hold on mankind - to deliver us from sin, the curse, death and hell! And not only that, it would be the instrument that would annihilate sin, vanquish the curse, fulfill all the law AND be the way in which MANY would become born again, sons and daughters of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, anointed with the power and authority of Jesus Christ, and destined for a life of GLORY!
Talk about a major duping! No one on earth or under the earth had any idea of the mystery of the church that had remained hidden by God since the foundation of the world, until He revealed it to the Apostle Paul. Jesus' resurrection from the dead PROVES that Satan's authority over us has come to an abrupt end. By faith, we have been born again in Christ, alive in accordance with the law of the spirit of life, no longer dead and subject to the law of sin and death. His ascension back up to heaven is even further proof that we are destined for a GLORIOUS life in and with Him and the Father. He has given us His Holy Spirit as a guarantee of that wonderful life to come.
Things have just gotten started for us while we remain on this earth as sons and daughters of God. We have an eternity of marvelous things ahead. We have no idea what that exceedingly, abundantly above-all-we-can-ask-or-think life will be like, we just know it will be GOOD!
We thank Him for ALL He has done for us - much of which we still don't have a revelation of, but revelation will come if we ask and wait for it. He longs to share with us the deep things of Himself.
Enjoy this wonderful day and bask in His love and gracious gifts - most importantly - His gift of His son, Jesus!