Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Two Have Become One

When Ruth came to Boaz and asked him to be her kinsman redeemer, she lay at his feet all night and then left early in the morning before anyone else knew what was going on. The arrangement they had was secret, unknown to anyone else other than Naomi. What was the secret? That Ruth would become Boaz's wife and the two would become one, Ruth would become part of the royal bloodline of King David and Jesus.

Did you know the same can be said for Christ and His church? The great mystery of God that was hidden throughout the ages, even from the angels and the demons, was the union of His son Jesus, our heavenly Boaz, and His bride, the church, a spiritual version of Ruth. The two becoming one is the mystery of marriage between a man and woman, which is really the divine mystery of God and man being one through the marriage of Christ and the church! The natural mind cannot understand this, but the Holy Spirit within us gives us the revelation of this truth. You are one with God if you are in Christ Jesus! Jesus even prayed this prayer in the Book of John before the crucifixion. I in you and you in me.

When Ruth returned home with six sheaves of barley from Boaz, Naomi, who represents Israel, was convinced that Boaz would redeem Ruth that day. Naomi counseled Ruth that all she had to do was sit patiently and wait. The same is true with us. Your kinsman redeemer, Jesus, is doing all the work in your life right now to redeem you from all obstacles and hurts. In fact, He did it 2000 years ago when He died on the cross and took away all of your sin. The bible says He even planned it before the foundation of the world! He knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb and died for you to redeem you so you could be one with Him! Think about that! If you are one with God through Christ Jesus, then how can you not reign in life just like Ruth?