Lately there's been a move amongst some professing believers to dispense with all forms of Jesus celebration, whether it be His Resurrection or Incarnation. They claim that Easter and Christmas are steeped in pagan roots and should be rejected. They tell us we must toss out the Easter baskets, throw out the eggs, cage up the bunny, lest we sin against God. They say we are really worshipping some false goddess. I say, Nonsense!
Ok, I'll agree that we might want to change the name to Resurrection Day, since we are celebrating the Risen Savior, but have we fallen so far from our understanding of the freedom which grace gives us that we can't see Jesus in the egg, basket, and bunny? The egg represents new birth and new life, the basket is for gathering up the harvest of new births, and the bunny is an innocent animal known for prolific procreation. Jesus is all about the new birth, and He wants lots of His babies being born - enough to outnumber the sand and stars!
Why is it some Christians have allowed the enemy to steal traditions that point to Jesus, regardless of their genesis? God has always taken the evil things of this world and used them for good, the cross being the best example! Think about the promised land - originally the evil land of Cannan. And how about Nazareth? Supposedly nothing good came from there. The best Old Testament example is in the book of Esther where Haman's evil day of celebrating the annihilation of the Jews actually became Purim, a day for the Jews to celebrate victory over evil.
Perhaps the roots of Easter come from pagan intentions, but God has turned all that into Jesus' victory day. He has made all things new and clean and has given us freedom to enjoy this life because we are His reborn children, led by His spirit and under grace - not the confines of the law. We are forever free from the bondage of man and religion-imposed rules and regulations. Don't forget that this is what Jesus did for you on the cross! He died to free you from all guilt and condemnation.
For those of you who have been made to feel guilty over bunnies, eggs, and Christmas trees, reject it as a means to put you back in bondage to the law. God's spirit will not condemn you. I say, if you want to have fun with your basket and eggs, then do so. For those of you who disagree, that's quite alright, but let the rest of us have our fun without the judgmental scowls. Jesus died and was raised up so that we could be free! And whom the son has set free, is free indeed!!
Happy Easter! Happy Resurrection Day!