The parable of the sower is one of the most important parables told by Jesus, because it explains the fundamental elements of the kingdom of God. The good soil of one's heart, free from the rocks, thorns, and weeds of this world system, as well as the holy, inerrant Word of God are all that is needed to reap a thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold blessing in one's life!
Rejoice that you, as a born again believer, have been given eyes to see and ears to hear the deep, revelatory truths of God that the prophets of old longed to understand. To natural men and those steeped in religion, God is a mystery, something or someone that can never be understood. But for the born again believer, there is revelation and understanding! God is a person made manifest in the savior Jesus Christ, He is alive, and He loves us. He is our heavenly father who desires to lead and guide us into all truth.
Study this parable and examine the soil of your heart. Make sure God's Word is planted in good, soft, pliable ground, then sit back and watch the harvest come in!