Currently, I am going through an indepth study on the book of Revelation. I have also been reading and listening to several testimonies of people who have gone to heaven and come back to give the church and the world a report. I believe the church is being prepared for Jesus' return--to begin thinking of our heavenly home instead of the things of this earth, just as Colossians 3:1 suggests.
When I see what happened in Boston, it supports Scriptures that tell us darkness will prevail in the last days before Christ's return. My heart goes out to the people who have lost family members and to those who lost limbs and were seriously injured. Others witnessed the carnage and are haunted with fear. The city itself is choked with terror. This should not be! I have to confess, I've been so wrapped up in my own little life, that I wasn't really available to the Lord to pray and intercede like I've done in the past. I know there have been times I've prayed over storms, Jerusalem, and a week before the tsunami in Sri Lanka, I had a dream about tidal waves. It's a reminder to many of us, especially intercessory prayer-ors, to be more sensitive to the Lord's promptings and pray. I believe many of the enemy's plans are thwarted because of the prayers of the saints pulling down strongholds.
I pray for miracle healings and shalom peace in the hearts of these precious people who are suffering unimaginable tragedy right now. Lord Jesus, thank you in advance for continued protection of this nation and the opportunity and power of your body to pray in your holy Name!