And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed [is] he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. Matthew 21:9
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week leading up to Resurrection Sunday. This is a great time to pull out The Passion of the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, or The Gospel of John - movies that focus our attention on the Savior and what He did for us on the cross.
Palm Sunday has always been an interesting day for me, because over the years I have had such a hard time understanding how Israel could welcome Jesus as the promised Messiah, set to restore the nation to its proper place, and then five days later, nail Him to the cross. The speed at which they turned their affections is almost supernatural - and indeed it is. But as I've grown in my faith and meditated on the Word, I have come to see that all of this was part of God's plan. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit leading me and guiding me into all Truth, I now realize that I would have been just like the other Jews of Jesus' day, equally confused and saddened that He didn't fulfill the Scriptures to my understanding. Oh how limited we can be when we rely on our own minds and the circumstances surrounding us to understand the things of God!
Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey, which represents a king coming in peace and not as a conqueror. When He comes again, He will be riding on a white horse, meaning He will be coming as the King of kings and Lord of lords to judge. But 2000 years ago, He came as the Prince of Peace, or the Prince of Shalom), coming to reconcile man to God and God to man. Shalom is the Hebrew word meaning wholeness and wellness - nothing missing or broken. Jesus came to bring life, healing, wholeness and blessing to mankind and the earth. All those who receive this gift by faith are born again as sons of God.
And yet four days after he entered the city, all had gone wrong. By that Thursday night, He began taking on the sins of the world - worry and stress being the first. And by Friday afternoon, He was dead. After such exaltation and triumph on the Sunday before, now all of Israel was left confused and traumatized! They thought this man was the Messiah! Who else healed the blind, cast out demons, cleansed the leprous and raised the dead like Jesus? Who else explained the Scriptures and spoke with such authority, feeding the people new wine, fish and loaves, as well as spiritual truths? If this man was not Messiah, then who could be?
But little did they know, a wonderful work was taking place in the spiritual realm - a realm they couldn't see because they were natural people, not yet born again. Sometimes, when we've heard the voice of God in our spirit, seen it in Scripture, had it confirmed through circumstances, and then darkness and confusion follows, we may not fully understand that a wonderful work is taking place on our behalf in the spiritual realm. Things are shifting, the enemy's plans are being thwarted and God's plans are taking shape. If we look at the situation with spiritual eyes, perhaps we will see this, but many times our natural eyes take over!
The resurrection of Jesus on the third day is our example of this truth. While all of Jerusalem mourned the death of a dream, God was busy at work, restoring mankind to Himself. What a happy and exciting time that must have been for Jesus! The bible says in Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Are you holding fast to God's Word and yet darkness and confusion abounds? Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, knowing that God is working on your behalf in the spiritual realm. Like the 120 disciples in the upper room on Pentecost, a day will come when He will reveal to you the work that has taken place. You might not understand today, but revelation will come later, and you will be glad!
The Jews in Jerusalem were sad on the day of Crucifixion, but 50 days later on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given, they were glad! Understanding came and they rejoiced! Little did they know that the enemy's plan to snuff Jesus out actually fulfilled God's divine orchestration to make us His sons! Praise Him! How can anyone say a God who would do that is anything other than GOOD!
Blessings to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!