We saw the truth in this Scripture in looking at Tamar and Judah in Genesis 38. Because the elders at the gates of Bethlehem prayed and declared that the offspring of Boaz and Ruth would be like the house of Perez (which means a bursting forth) whom Tamar bore to Judah, we thought it important to take a look at her story.
Tamar was Judah's daughter-in-law who was married to his oldest son. Even though the Levitical laws had not yet been given to Israel, it was the custom/law of the day that if a son died, his widow would be given in marriage to the next oldest brother so that the seed or offspring of the dead son would not be cut off. It so happens that Tamar's husband died (because he was wicked) and Judah gave Tamar to his next oldest son as a wife. The Bible says that this son knew the children they would have wouldn't be considered his, so he "spilled his seed on the ground." (KJV). This waste of the seed was viewed as wicked in the Lord's eyes, so he too died. Judah sent Tamar to her home to wait until his third son, Shelah, was old enough to take her as his wife - however, he was afraid that Tamar was cursed and that Shelah would die too. Therefore, when Shelah came of age, Judah conveniently forgot about Tamar.
When Judah became a widower, Tamar sought what was rightfully hers. She took off her widow's garment, dressed up as a temple prostitute, and stood by the road where Judah was traveling on business. He saw her, solicited her services (not knowing who she was), and she became pregnant. Because he had nothing to pay, he left her a pledge of his staff, signet seal and cord (which would be the equivalent of our social security card, driver's license and birth certificate!). When he returned later with her payment, she had disappeared, taking all of the pledges with her. Later, after three months had passed, news reached Judah that Tamar had "played the harlot" and was pregnant. Enraged, he demanded that she be burned, but when she presented him with the pledges he declared her righteous! How could that be? Was prostituting herself to get what was rightfully hers part of God's plan?
To a religious person, the answer would be no, but God (through Judah) declared her righteous! I will even go so far as to say that the Holy Spirit prompted her to do exactly what she did! And how do we know that? Because Tamar is one of the few women in history mentioned as being in the line of Jesus the Messiah. She is mentioned first (being the mother of Perez), then comes Rahab the harlot (Boaz's mother), then Ruth (the Moabitess who was the grandmother of King David), and then Bathsheba (who committed adultery with David but later gave birth to King Solomon). Notice that all of these women engaged in or came from a line of sexual sin - we see harlotry, prostitution, incest, and adultery - and all of these women were married into the royal bloodline. Do you see how Tamar is another picture of the church? She was pushed aside, forgotten, deemed cursed, denied what was rightfully hers, then declared a harlot and condemned to a horrific death. But God, in His mercy and grace, restored her and brought her into the royal bloodline of Jesus by giving her not one baby boy, but two - twins! The family of Perez (which means a bursting forth) was the second born and became a mighty family of powerful, valiant men.
It is interesting that this chapter on Tamar is inserted in Genesis right after Joseph (a picture of Jesus) is rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery - giving us further insight on how Tamar is a picture of the Gentile church. She is the one who carried the seed of Judah and then gave birth to an offspring that burst forth from her womb and became a part of God's royal lineage. We see the same thing is true with the offspring of Boaz and Ruth and then with the church on the day of Pentecost over 2000 years ago where all of these prophetic events were ultimately fulfilled. On that day, the Holy Spirit came to the 120 disciples in the upper room like a rushing, mighty wind, filling them with power, signs, and wonders, and prompting Peter to preach the first sermon where 3000 people were added to their number on that day! That's truly a bursting forth of reborn, righteous, children of God brought into the royal bloodline of Jesus!
What may have looked like a horrible act of trickery for Tamar to commit against Judah and his family, was actually the perfect plan of God to bring their offspring into the line of His son, Jesus. While the Lord does not advocate harlotry or deceit or any sin, He does lead and guide His children in ways that are confusing to religious people and the world. But if you are born again in Christ Jesus, remember that the Holy Spirit lives and resides in you, leading you and guiding you into all truth. Others may not see what He is doing in and through you, and may even say that what you are doing is wrong, but trust the Spirit and follow His leading. It will always glorify Jesus and line up perfectly with His word!
Yes, you may endure some persecution for following the Spirit, but as Jesus said at the sermon on the mount, blessed are you when you are persecuted for the word's sake! Like Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba, you are blessed, righteous, and royal, despite your past history. You are a new creation IN Christ Jesus!