We are back from a nice, long summer and are studying the spirit of sonship before launching into a study of Hebrews. As born again believers, we are full grown sons of God and have been given the spirit that cries out Abba, Daddy! We are no longer under the spirit of fear that is common to a servant or a slave. We are God's sons and He is our Daddy through Christ Jesus! If you've never had a loving, earthly daddy, you have a heavenly one now. And He can make up for all the areas where our earthly parents fall short--and then some! We are very blessed!
Check out what our sister, Chris, painted over the summer. It was selected for a juried art show at our church, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia, and was inspired by the theme of brokenness. Truly anointed by God. We can't wait to see what more wonderful paintings the Lord will pour out into her in the coming days!