Jesus taught his disciples a spiritual lesson regarding payment of tribute to the kings of the earth. In the natural, it is understood that the earthly kings levy tributes and taxes against their subjects in exchange for protection, peace, harmony, etc. and NOT from the royal family. Therefore, the sons of a king are free from tribute obligation because they are able to bask in the blessings of being part of the monarchy.
The same is true in the spiritual realm. Sons of God are free from any payment or obligation but partake in all the rich inheritance of their Heavenly Father. This is made clear through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. By Him going to the cross, He took all of our payment, penalty, obligation for sin, leaving us free to live as children of the Most High God. Religious people and people of the world have no understanding of this freedom and so they will demand from us, many times in the form of work or deeds and even an earthly tribute or tax.
Jesus told Peter to go ahead and pay the tribute, lest they offend the leaders of Israel who had no understanding of spiritual things. For us today, who live some 2000 years after the cross, we also must pay earthly tributes and taxes to the governments of the countries in which we live. Even though we are spiritually free sons of God, we must abide by the natural laws of the land in which we dwell.
God will provide all of that for us, and He will do it through the world system, whether it be through a job, business, or discovering treasure, or perhaps receiving a windfall of some kind. But it will not create harm to the world, in that He will not be taking from the world in order to bless us, like some divine Robin Hood.
No, as He blesses us, we in turn will be a blessing to all those around us, such that everyone will have an abundance that exceeds anything they could ask or think! The Gospel always brings prosperity in greater abundance than anything the world could do in their own strength. God is so good!