It is very upsetting for many of us in the body of Christ to think about the pain, suffering, torture and humiliation our Savior went through for us. Just one viewing of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, is enough to last a lifetime. The first time I saw that movie was in the theater, and it was difficult to process. I think I was in shock afterward. The second time, I wept like a baby. But as I cried, I sensed the heavenly Father telling me to stop my theatrics. Why? BECAUSE HE IS NO LONGER HANGING THERE! Yes, He suffered and died and descended into the depths of the grave, BUT He was raised up AND glorified at the right hand of God. And the good news is, We are there with Him! Everything Jesus has, we have IN HIM.
Keep that truth in the forefront of your thoughts, regardless of what you may be taught in your denominational churches and bible studies. We are joint heirs with Him. Our minds may not be able to comprehend all that took place on the day of the crucifixtion, but BY FAITH, we believe that in the spiritual realm, a legal event happened whereby spiritual laws were satisfied. Sin was put away and condemned, the curse satisfied, the Law fulfilled, and Death's sting removed. We now have authority and power over sin, we are no longer under the curse of the Law, God's laws are written on our hearts, His love has been shed abroad in our hearts, and Death can no longer separate us from our heavenly Father.
Selah! Think about all of that and receive it, if you may! How can we walk out this truth in our lives and advance the kingdom on earth, in this physical realm in which we live now? Let's all believe in God's Word, that's how, despite the pressure and temptation to do otherwise! Have faith and believe!