For all the promises of God in him [are] yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 2 Corinthians 1:20
Have you ever claimed the promises of God, whether it be for healing, provision, favor, or blessings, and yet the circumstances look like things aren't happening? At times like that, we may get frustrated and even angry with God, feeling condemned and unloved. The facts surrounding us point to sickness, poverty, the curse and yet we open our Bibles and read Scriptures that speak the opposite. They tell us we are loved, blessed, healed and wealthy. Something is totally wrong!
Yes, the facts are the facts, but facts are subject to change. A bad doctor's report can suddenly become a clean bill of health. A low balance in our checking account can suddenly become flushed with cash, and that unfavorable situation can suddenly turn around and benefit us. Facts can change, but Truth remains the same. Truth is in the person of Jesus Christ, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.
Imagine Abraham calling himself the father of many nations at the age of 100 and yet he had no children. The Bible says his body was as good as dead and his 90 year-old wife, Sarah's, womb was dead. Those are terrible, dismal facts if one is holding on to a promise for a baby boy, much less nations of people. But on the day Sarah gave birth to Isaac, the facts changed and the Truth was made manifest. God had promised an offspring from Abraham's body, and what God promises will surely come to pass.
What about Israel conquering the powerful city of Jericho? The city walls were thick enough to have chariot races, and yet God brought those walls down just by having the people march around the city blowing trumpets and shouting praises. Again, those are outrageous facts for a budding nation poised to inhabit a prosperous, yet hostile, land and claim it as its own. No other nation in the history of the world has been able to conquer a stronger people by a shout and a trumpet blast! But on that day, the facts changed - Israel took Jericho and the Truth was made manifest. God had promised that land to Abraham, and what God promised will surely come to pass.
If you are In Christ Jesus, God has promised you every good and wonderful thing for an abundant, joyful life that glorifies Him. Yes, the facts in your life may stink, but the Truth remains the same. If you are sick, healing is there because Jesus is the healer. If you are suffering from financial lack, provision is there because Jesus is the provider. If you need favor in a situation, grace and mercy are there because Jesus is the savior and prince of peace who brings us Shalom peace.
Don't rest on the facts in your life. Don't even ask yourself why the facts are the way they are. Just focus on the Truth, resting on the goodness and mercy of Jesus. Perhaps it will take longer than you wish, but eventually, those horrible, nasty facts will have changed! Truth will be made manifest, because all of God's promises to those who are in Christ Jesus are "Yes" and "Amen"!