Beginning our study of the Book of Romans.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Romans 1 - Warning to a Judged Generation
Beginning our study of the Book of Romans.
The Kingdom has Come and Jesus is Here!
References: William Bell at & Don K. Preston at
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Matthew 28 - The Great Commission
The first followers to witness Jesus' resurrection from the dead were the women who ministered to Him. They experienced an angelic announcement to go and tell the other disciples, and then as they went in obedience, they had a personal encounter with Jesus! Think about that! As they were traveling back from the empty tomb to the place where the disciples were hidden away in fear, Jesus met them on the road. Jesus encouraged these women to continue believing and acting in obedience. He knew there would be doubts from some of the twelve (Thomas), but they were to press forward in faith and share the good news. Sadly, the disciples missed this divine opportunity that the women experienced.
Matthew ends with the disciples returning to Galilee and experiencing their own personal encounter with Jesus. Even though there were some doubts, they accepted His mandate to go into all the known world surrounding Israel and share the Gospel with all nations. And the disciples (including the Apostle Paul) did just that. By the time Judgment Day came in 70 AD, the disciples and apostles had completed their task of delivering the message of Jesus and the New Kingdom, just as the Lord directed!
Today, we the church, the body of Christ, are to continue that mandate - to share the good news of the Gospel and advance the Kingdom!
Friday, April 22, 2016
Matthew 27 - Delivered from the Pains of Death
The Bible makes it very clear that Jesus suffered greatly on the cross, both physically and spiritually. We considered Psalms 22 in other teachings, but one should also consider Psalms 116:3, which states that The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow, as well as Acts 2:24, which states that Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. There was a great suffering on that day that none of us who are in Christ will every experience, praise God. That suffering, along with His shed blood, were sufficient to satisfy the penalty for sin required by the Law, AND exceed it. God raised Jesus up as proof that death and sin no longer had power over Israel under that old, Mosaic, temple system. A new temple was being established, a spiritual temple, which was Christ (and His body - the church).
Another sign that the Law had been satisfied was the renting of the temple veil separating the Most Holy Place - it was split from top to bottom - not so that man could come in to where God dwelled, necessarily, but so that God could rush out to His people and dwell amongst them, a desire of His from the beginning of time.
There were other signs of Jesus' divinity, which were witnessed by the Roman soldiers who had tortured Him and hung Him on the cross, as well as some of the women followers. We also see in Matthew that, after Jesus' resurrection, the graves of the saints were opened, and these saints went into Jerusalem and showed themselves to many. We do not have any additional evidence of this event in the Word or from historians, but we must believe it by faith. Just as Lazarus came out of the tomb in John 11, these saints who had died under the Old Covenant came out of their tombs after Jesus' resurrection.
But there was a spiritual resurrection to come, when the entire Old Covenant, Mosaic temple system came to its finality in 70 AD and the New Covenant/Kingdom of God came. Jesus is here and lives in the hearts and minds of His people, the church! That is very good news!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Matthew 27 - Psalms 22 Fulfilled!
If one wants an idea as to what our Savior was experiencing while hanging on the cross, just read Psalms 22 - which, amazingly, was written by King David some one thousand years BEFORE Jesus was born in Bethlehem and BEFORE crucifixion was invented by the Roman empire. It describes the physical suffering as well as the spiritual suffering that He endured, AND it describes what propelled Him to stay there on the cross and to finish the work. Yes, He was obedient to what the heavenly Father required, but He also saw us, His brethren, the fellow sons of God, who would be born again IN Him and be partakers of the glorious kingdom that God would introduce to the world in 70AD. Like a loving parent who is willing to sacrifice for his or her children, Jesus sacrificed Himself for us, the children of God. (See Hebrews 12:2).
Psalms 22 is bookended by "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" and "He has done it!" or "It is finished." It is no coincidence that these are the first and last words spoken by Jesus before He physically died. The heavenly Father has revealed to us through the Gospels that Psalms 22 is really the words of the Savior while suffering for us.
One additional comment on the thieves hanging on either side of Jesus on their respective crosses-- Matthew reveals that they both gnashed their teeth and cursed at the Lord while He hung there, suffering, but in Luke 23, it is revealed that one of them eventually repented and believed. This is an encouragement to us all not to give up on our friends and loved ones who are stubborn in accepting Jesus. The heavenly Father knows how to draw His children to Himself, and He will do it. Stay vigilant and keep praying and believing and God's plan will be fulfilled!
Just as the Father fulfilled His plan for Jesus set forth in Psalms 22, He will fulfill His plan for all of His sons of glory!
Friday, April 1, 2016
Matthew 27 - Sent to the Cross
It is very upsetting for many of us in the body of Christ to think about the pain, suffering, torture and humiliation our Savior went through for us. Just one viewing of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, is enough to last a lifetime. The first time I saw that movie was in the theater, and it was difficult to process. I think I was in shock afterward. The second time, I wept like a baby. But as I cried, I sensed the heavenly Father telling me to stop my theatrics. Why? BECAUSE HE IS NO LONGER HANGING THERE! Yes, He suffered and died and descended into the depths of the grave, BUT He was raised up AND glorified at the right hand of God. And the good news is, We are there with Him! Everything Jesus has, we have IN HIM.
Keep that truth in the forefront of your thoughts, regardless of what you may be taught in your denominational churches and bible studies. We are joint heirs with Him. Our minds may not be able to comprehend all that took place on the day of the crucifixtion, but BY FAITH, we believe that in the spiritual realm, a legal event happened whereby spiritual laws were satisfied. Sin was put away and condemned, the curse satisfied, the Law fulfilled, and Death's sting removed. We now have authority and power over sin, we are no longer under the curse of the Law, God's laws are written on our hearts, His love has been shed abroad in our hearts, and Death can no longer separate us from our heavenly Father.
Selah! Think about all of that and receive it, if you may! How can we walk out this truth in our lives and advance the kingdom on earth, in this physical realm in which we live now? Let's all believe in God's Word, that's how, despite the pressure and temptation to do otherwise! Have faith and believe!
Matthew 27 - Standing Before Pilate
When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. Matthew 27:1-2. And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest. And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. Matthew 27:11-14.
We see from these scriptures that Pontius Pilate knew Jesus was innocent of all the charges brought against Him by that wicked generation of Jews. He knew they were jealous of Him, because Jesus was a man of authenticity; He loved people and went about doing good everywhere He went. He wasn't caught up in religion or pretense, and yet He was able to amass a large following who hailed Him as a king. Pilate did not view Jesus as an insurrectionist who could be a danger to Rome--on the contrary, I feel certain that Jesus impressed a man like Pilate.
Pilate tried fairly hard to free himself from the tough decision of condemning Jesus. We know from history that Pilate was a ruthless man who had probably condemned many innocent men to death, but this Jesus of Nazareth was different. Perhaps Pilate's soul sensed the spirit of God that was in and on Jesus. Ancient Rome was a culture that revered the supernatural and the world of gods and goddess, unlike today's culture that mocks it. If it turned out that Jesus was a son of the gods, then Pilate did not want His blood on his hands. That is why he figuratively washed his hands of Jesus' death.
Before that, Pilate attempted to release Jesus for the Passover week, which was the custom of that day--one prisoner would be set free to appease the Jews. He offered a choice between Barabbas, a known insurrectionist and bad dude, or Jesus, an innocent man. I'm sure Pilate viewed this as an easy decision, but the crowd thought otherwise; they cried out for Jesus' crucifixion like ravenous dogs. Pilate's wife had a dream, warning him that Jesus was a holy man, but the threats from that murderous generation won over. Pilate caved under pressure and went against his better judgment.
The bottom line is this: regardless of the decisions made by Pilate or the Jewish leaders, Jesus was going to the cross. One way or another, He would be beaten, mocked, spit upon, nailed to a tree, and left there to die; it was His destiny and He was going to be obedient to that plan. He was and is the lamb slain before the foundation of the world! Praise God for all He did for us!
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Matthew 26 - Betrayed by Israel
Once Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, the humiliation from His own people, Israel, began. First, He was taken before the high priest, Caiaphas, and the leaders of Israel for a mock trial, where false witnesses were brought forward to try Him as a blasphemer. When the witnesses were put to the test, they were easily discredited, for Jesus was innocent. In an effort to goad Jesus into incriminating Himself, Caiaphas adjured Him by the living God to answer the question, Are you the Son of God?
Jesus answered by referencing Daniels' prophecy of the Son of Man coming in the clouds before the Ancient of Days to receive an everlasting kingdom, inferring that He was this Son of Man whom the prophet had spoken of long ago. But then He spun this prophecy around and stated that the Jewish rulers of His day would see that Son of Man coming in the clouds, with all power, honor, and glory, to judge that wicked, adulterous generation for their unbelief. Jesus clearly indicated here, once more, that all prophecy would be fulfilled in the lifetime of that generation, which we know occurred in 70 AD at the fall of Jerusalem.
When the high priest heard Jesus' words, he rent his robes and declared Him a blasphemer, which is exactly what had been planned all along. Contrary to what many of us have been told, the Jewish leaders could have stoned Jesus under the Law, but they were too cowardly, so they took Him to Pilate to be executed by Rome as an insurrectionist. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, but there was nothing to be done; he feared what the people thought, and so he succumbed to the evil plan, even after being warned by his wife.
The bottom line is this: the crucifixion had been established before the foundation of the world. Jesus would go to the cross, no matter what, and settle man's sin issue there, once and for all. And that is exactly what He did! Praise God for that!
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Matthew 26 - The Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus knew that the only way the promised Kingdom of God could come was for the handwriting of ordinances that stood against man (due to sin and transgressions of the Law) had to be put away. And how could these ordinances be put away? Through blood/death. The wages of sin is the curse and then death - the guilty has to die and shed his/her blood to satisfy the sin penalty under the Law. All of us (before being born again in Christ) have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.
But thankfully, God provided a substitutionary system whereby the sinner could substitute an innocent sacrifice to shed innocent blood in lieu of the sinner's blood; innocent blood is the only blood that God will accept as a substitute for the sinner's death and eternal damnation. The innocent little lambs and other animals sacrificed under the Old Covenant Temple system where merely a shadow of the true sacrifice, Jesus Christ, whose blood would be so powerful, so innocent, that it would exceed the penalty and thereby bring the whole sacrificial temple system to an end. That is very good news!
As a man (who knew no sin), Jesus was subject to temptation to lose faith and be disobedient to God's Word, as all of us are tempted. But since He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, He had the power to resist temptation and not give way to sin. However, as He began the terrible substitutionary process of taking on sin as the ultimate sacrifice, His flesh fought Him and wanted to take another route other than the one the heavenly Father had ordained. But Jesus knew there was only one way; He knew He must suffer for the curse, shed His innocent blood, and then die a spiritual and physical death, just as the scriptures had prophesied.
But, there was joy set before Him which enabled Him to endure this terrible ordeal: He saw us, the children of God, born again IN HIM, the trophies of God's grace, waiting for Him on the other side. And so, He endured the horrific pain of physical and spiritual affliction so that we can partake in His glorious resurrected life.
He took our sin penalty and gave us His reward for obedience. I believe His time in the Garden of Gethsemane when He prayed three times for strength was the toughest time for Him. He could have walked away, but He didn't. He pressed through and went all the way to the cross, fulfilling God's beautiful plan for us!
Matthew 26 - Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood
During this wonderful Passover meal with His disciples (which we refer to as the Last Supper), Jesus relayed the good news of the New Covenant promised by God long ago. It would be instituted through Jesus' sinless, tortured, broken body and His blood.
Jesus instructed them to symbolically eat His broken body (symbolized by the unleaven bread) and drink His blood (symbolized by the wine - the Passover cup of Redemption). This was a sobering concept, considering that the Law strictly forbid any Jew from drinking the blood of the sacrifice (the life was in the blood!) We know from the Gospel of John that Jesus had lost many of His followers when He told them that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood or they would have no part of Him. As expected, this statement caused great confusion. It takes the Holy Spirit and the new birth in order to fully comprehend spiritual truths. Spiritual truths appear as pure nonsense to a natural man.
That evening, Jesus also warned His disciples that one of them would betray Him, just as it had been prophesied in the Psalms. (See Psalms 41:9). As one could imagine, the disciples were extremely distressed to hear this! They loved each other and they loved Jesus and had been through so many things together during the past three and half years. They could not fathom any of them doing such a dastardly thing! And yet, Jesus knew that it was Judas.
The Bible is unclear as to when Jesus discovered the identity of His betrayer, but I do believe that He was not 100% ignorant nor was He 100% in the know during the time of His ministry. The Old Covenant tells us that Jesus was hurt by the betrayal of His good friend, as any of us would be hurt by someone we love selling us out to our enemies.
Forgiveness could have been available to Judas, but the Bible says that Judas never sought forgiveness for his evil deed. He became the Son of Perdition spoken of by the prophets years ago.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Matthew 26 - Betrayed by Judas
During this wonderful Passover meal with His disciples (which we refer to as the Last Supper), Jesus relayed the good news of the New Covenant promised by God long ago. It would be instituted through Jesus' sinless, tortured, broken body and His blood.
Jesus instructed them to symbolically eat His broken body (symbolized by the unleaven bread) and drink His blood (symbolized by the wine - the Passover cup of Redemption). This was a sobering concept, considering that the Law strictly forbid any Jew from drinking the blood of the sacrifice (the life was in the blood!) We know from the Gospel of John that Jesus had lost many of His followers when He told them that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood or they would have no part of Him. As expected, this statement caused great confusion. It takes the Holy Spirit and the new birth in order to fully comprehend spiritual truths. Spiritual truths appear as pure nonsense to a natural man.
That evening, Jesus also warned His disciples that one of them would betray Him, just as it had been prophesied in the Psalms. (See Psalms 41:9). As one could imagine, the disciples were extremely distressed to hear this! They loved each other and they loved Jesus and had been through so many things together during the past three and half years. They could not fathom any of them doing such a dastardly thing! And yet, Jesus knew that it was Judas.
The Bible is unclear as to when Jesus discovered the identity of His betrayer, but I do believe that He was not 100% ignorant nor was He 100% in the know during the time of His ministry. The Old Covenant tells us that Jesus was hurt by the betrayal of His good friend, as any of us would be hurt by someone we love selling us out to our enemies.
Forgiveness could have been available to Judas, but the Bible says that Judas never sought forgiveness for his evil deed. He became the Son of Perdition spoken of by the prophets years ago.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Matthew 26 - The Conspiracy Begins
As the Crucifixion week drew near, Jesus began to prepare His disciples for what was about to happen. He warned them that the Jewish leaders would conspire to kill Him, and as one would expect, this caused confusion and fear in the hearts of His followers. Even though Jesus had instructed them that His sacrifice was necessary for this New Covenant kingdom to be established, they did not have the understanding of what that meant - like most people of their day, they expected a physical kingdom ruled from the earthly Jerusalem. They did not yet have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that would help bring the spiritual revelation that they needed to understand this new, spiritual kingdom--which is still the case for many professing Christians today! Without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to understand the things of a Holy, spiritual God!
Sensing that Jesus was not going to establish a physical kingdom, Judas (one of the twelve) took the opportunity to sell Him out to the Jewish rulers. And for what? Thirty pieces of silver, which is exactly what the law stated was the payment for an ox that gored an innocent servant. Amazing! When Jesus informed His disciples that one of them would betray them, they were all in disbelief! They loved each other and had been through so much together and couldn't imagine one of them doing such a thing. But they did not know the heart of Judas Iscariot the way Jesus did. Jesus loved him and viewed him as a close friend but was not surprised at his actions; it had been prophesied long ago that His dear friend would sell Him out for the price of a disobedient ox! See Exodus 21: 28-36.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Matthew 25 - Judgment Parables continued
In the parable of the talents, Jesus gives His disciples another explanation of the coming judgment on that Levitical/Mosaic temple system. In this example, a man (Jesus, the Lord) who plans to travel to a faraway country (the heavenly Jerusalem) called his servants (believers) so He could distribute His goods (gifts of the Holy Spirit).
After a long time had passed (40 years from 30 AD to 70 AD), the Lord returned to find that two of His servants had done great things with these gifts and had even doubled them, which brought forth great praise! But one of the servants hid his gift in the ground because he was fearful and unbelieving. The Lord called that servant wicked and slothful - that he should've at least given the gift to the bankers to earn a little interest.
Result: what little that wicked servant had was taken from him and given to the successful servant. And then to make matters worse, the wicked servant was cast out into utter darkness where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Who was Jesus speaking of when He referred to this wicked, slothful servant? It was the sleepy believer who had grown weary and shrunk back into the temple system, abandoning his faith in Jesus. He did nothing with the wonderful gift given to him - if he was going to shrink back into that passing temple system, he should of at least used it there, in a way that could bring some benefit. But instead, he hid it in the ground where no one benefited.
Essentially, this servant viewed God with a pair of Old Covenant eyes, not New Covenant eyes; to this servant, God was harsh and cruel, reaping where He did not sow (basically viewing God as a thief and extortioner)!
Under the New Covenant, God is not like that - He is loving, kind, forgiving, and merciful! Praise the Lord for this very good news!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Matthew 25 - Parables of the Coming Judgment
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Matthew 25:11-13.
After Jesus gave the signs of the end of that Jewish age (which occurred in 70 AD), He then proceeds to give His disciples several parables to explain how the spiritual kingdom would arrive. First, He compared it to a wedding festivity where the bridegroom sounds the alarm and ten sleepy bridesmaids (virgins) wake up to meet their future husband. Unfortunately, half of the virgins had let their lamps darken so that by the time they purchased oil for their lamps (representing the Holy Spirit), they were shut out of the marriage supper.
What did this parable mean? It was a warning that, as the second coming delayed (40 years from 30 AD to 70 AD), the temptation would be there to shrink back from this new faith and return to the temple/sacrificial system. Those Jewish people of that end time generation who had tasted the goodness of God and had received the Holy Spirit would be shut out of the kingdom if they gave up on their faith. When the bridegroom, Jesus, came, a judgment would occur and there would be a great and devastating penalty for reverting back to the temple sacrifices.
Today, in the new covenant age, people must believe and receive Jesus Christ in order to be born again and come into the kingdom - just like during the first century. Those who do not receive Jesus will be forever lost and will live eternally in the lake of fire once they pass from this life to the next. That is why it is so important for us to share the goodness of the Gospel.
After Jesus gave the signs of the end of that Jewish age (which occurred in 70 AD), He then proceeds to give His disciples several parables to explain how the spiritual kingdom would arrive. First, He compared it to a wedding festivity where the bridegroom sounds the alarm and ten sleepy bridesmaids (virgins) wake up to meet their future husband. Unfortunately, half of the virgins had let their lamps darken so that by the time they purchased oil for their lamps (representing the Holy Spirit), they were shut out of the marriage supper.
What did this parable mean? It was a warning that, as the second coming delayed (40 years from 30 AD to 70 AD), the temptation would be there to shrink back from this new faith and return to the temple/sacrificial system. Those Jewish people of that end time generation who had tasted the goodness of God and had received the Holy Spirit would be shut out of the kingdom if they gave up on their faith. When the bridegroom, Jesus, came, a judgment would occur and there would be a great and devastating penalty for reverting back to the temple sacrifices.
Today, in the new covenant age, people must believe and receive Jesus Christ in order to be born again and come into the kingdom - just like during the first century. Those who do not receive Jesus will be forever lost and will live eternally in the lake of fire once they pass from this life to the next. That is why it is so important for us to share the goodness of the Gospel.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Matthew 24 - The Day of the Lord!
Jesus continues to warn His disciples as to the signs of the end of that age in which they were living - it would be the end of that Mosaic/temple/Levitical priesthood system which ruled in that day. Jesus explained that it would come suddenly, at a time when there would be peace and prosperity, just as in the day of Noah when the flood, suddenly and unexpectedly, came upon mankind. As God judged man on that day, He would judge His people, Israel, on the Last Day - which we know occurred in 70AD.
Jesus said that all these things (the law and the prophecies) would be fulfilled and be completed in THAT generation - the ones alive and well during the time of Jesus' incarnation. If we look to Scripture and BELIEVE what God says, many times, confused issues become very clear.
Do not believe in all of the doom and gloom that many Christians preach, saying that we must have horrors, tribulation, wars, and an evil Anti-Christ, etc. No, we must abide by the truth and take the authority and power IN Christ that He died to give us!
Christians, wake up and believe the truth! Pray and follow exactly as the heavenly father directs! Shalom!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Matthew 24 - All Has Come to Pass!
More on the truth that the things Jesus warned of in Matthew 24 ALL came to pass during the lives of the generation of His day! It was the generation of those who were alive in 30 AD (the date of Crucifixion), as well as 70AD (40 years later at the date of the fall of the temple system)!
Jesus gave His disciples many signs and warnings to heed before the great and terrible day of the Lord when He would return to judge wicked and adulterous Israel and put an end to the Mosaic temple system. The new, spiritual kingdom of God would be ushered in, and those who received it by faith would walk in the glorious light of the Gospel.
Sadly, so many pastors and teachers teach that all of Jesus' signs and warnings are for a future event - an end of the world scenario where a physical kingdom from the earthly city of Jerusalem will prevail. But Jesus never promised His church a physical, earthly kingdom, but a SPIRITUAL kingdom where born again sons of God would rule and reign on earth from a spiritual, heavenly Jerusalem even as they dwelt in earthly bodies amongst evil regimes. This was a new paradigm shift from the Old Testament Jewish belief that all of God's promises are purely physical.
For those who doubt that all prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD just as Jesus predicted, please consider what actually happened in history. Just a cursory look at the great Jewish historian, Josephus, is quite shocking. We see many of the things Jesus spoke of: wars, famines, pestilences, terror, spiritual signs in the heavens, miracles, wonders, and false prophets/christs.
Research on your own and reject the Left Behind theories taught in most of our churches today!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Matthew 24 - Does History Support Jesus' Warnings?
Jesus gave His disciples many signs and warnings to heed before the great and terrible day of the Lord when He would return to judge wicked and adulterous Israel and put an end to the Mosaic temple system. The new, spiritual kingdom of God would be ushered in, and those who received it by faith would walk in the glorious light of the Gospel.
Sadly, so many pastors and teachers teach that all of Jesus' signs and warnings are for a future event - an end of the world scenario where a physical kingdom from the earthly city of Jerusalem will prevail. But Jesus never promised His church a physical, earthly kingdom, but a SPIRITUAL kingdom where born again sons of God would rule and reign on earth from a spiritual, heavenly Jerusalem even as they dwelt in earthly bodies amongst evil regimes. This was a new paradigm shift from the Old Testament Jewish belief that all of God's promises are purely physical.
For those who doubt that all prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD just as Jesus predicted, please consider what actually happened in history. Just a cursory look at the great Jewish historian, Josephus, is quite shocking. We see many of the things Jesus spoke of: wars, famines, pestilences, terror, spiritual signs in the heavens, miracles, wonders, and false prophets/christs.
Research on your own and reject the Left Behind theories taught in most of our churches today!
Friday, January 22, 2016
Matthew 24 - The Abomination of Desolation
Jesus warned His disciples that one of the signs of the End Times of that Mosaic temple system would be the abomination of desolation spoken of my Daniel the prophet, which we find in Daniel 9. In that chapter, the angel Gabriel tells the prophet that people of the prince who was to come (Titus of Rome) would destroy the city and the sanctuary - and that is exactly what happened in 70AD!
We see Jesus confirming this in the Gospel of Luke (21:20), where He tells His disciples that the abomination which would cause desolation were the Roman armies who would compass the city of Jerusalem about and bring it to its end. Sadly, so many Christians are sitting under false teaching today which tells them that all Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 is future, yet to be fulfilled.
These pastors and teachers ignore the fact that the Lord said that these things would all be fulfilled in THAT generation - that there were some standing there before Jesus in His day who would not taste death till ALL was fulfilled. In addition, these pastors and teachers ignore the historical account of what actually happened between 66 - 70 AD. When we read Josephus and some of the other ancient historians, it is quite shocking to see that things happened EXACTLY as Jesus said they would!
Bottom line: Jesus came and the Kingdom is here. Jesus is alive and well, working on the earth through His body, the church. We, the church, are considered to be seated WITH HIM in heavenly places even as we dwell here in our earthly bodies, advancing the kingdom and doing ALL He has called us to do! Amen!
Monday, January 18, 2016
Matthew 24 - The Olivet Discourse continued
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:4-8.
I'm back from the Christmas holidays and ready to resume our study of Matthew 24. Unlike many denominational pastors and teachers who present a futurist view of End Times prophecy, we will see that Jesus' discussion of the Last Days was referring to the days in which He was living.
The generation alive during His time were the last Jews to live under the Old Covenant Temple Age - which was the current world system at that time, ruled by Satan, the god of that age. Jesus told His disciples (and us, the church) that the New Covenant age was coming - the spiritual Kingdom of God - which came in its fullness in 70AD. There would be signs of its coming, and historically, we find that, indeed, those signs happened exactly as Jesus predicted!
Don't let anyone dupe you into believing that Jesus' predictions are for some future date long into the future. It has all been fulfilled, the Kingdom has come, and all of the Old Testament prophecies regarding Jesus' coming in judgment have been fulfilled! The church is His body, operating in the full authority and power of the bridegroom, Jesus Christ!
I'm back from the Christmas holidays and ready to resume our study of Matthew 24. Unlike many denominational pastors and teachers who present a futurist view of End Times prophecy, we will see that Jesus' discussion of the Last Days was referring to the days in which He was living.
The generation alive during His time were the last Jews to live under the Old Covenant Temple Age - which was the current world system at that time, ruled by Satan, the god of that age. Jesus told His disciples (and us, the church) that the New Covenant age was coming - the spiritual Kingdom of God - which came in its fullness in 70AD. There would be signs of its coming, and historically, we find that, indeed, those signs happened exactly as Jesus predicted!
Don't let anyone dupe you into believing that Jesus' predictions are for some future date long into the future. It has all been fulfilled, the Kingdom has come, and all of the Old Testament prophecies regarding Jesus' coming in judgment have been fulfilled! The church is His body, operating in the full authority and power of the bridegroom, Jesus Christ!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Matthew 24 - the Olivet Discourse
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:3-5.
The disciples came to Jesus wondering when He would return in accordance with Old Testament prophecies (as well as His own teachings), judge the Mosaic temple system, and usher in the new age.
His answer was very different from what they were expecting. He first warned them to be careful of deception, which is a warning we in the church today must heed. Many would come in the last days of that age and proclaim themselves to be Christ, deceiving and tempting new-found believers to shrink back from their faith and go back to the temple/sacrificial system.
We know today that there are so-called leaders in the Christian church who desire to rebuild a temple in Jerusalem so that temple sacrifices can be reinstituted. This is not biblical, as we shall see in studying God's Word!
The disciples came to Jesus wondering when He would return in accordance with Old Testament prophecies (as well as His own teachings), judge the Mosaic temple system, and usher in the new age.
His answer was very different from what they were expecting. He first warned them to be careful of deception, which is a warning we in the church today must heed. Many would come in the last days of that age and proclaim themselves to be Christ, deceiving and tempting new-found believers to shrink back from their faith and go back to the temple/sacrificial system.
We know today that there are so-called leaders in the Christian church who desire to rebuild a temple in Jerusalem so that temple sacrifices can be reinstituted. This is not biblical, as we shall see in studying God's Word!
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