Under the Old Covenant, righteousness was based on works, particularly keeping the law. Anyone seen bearing the effects of sin and the curse, such as sickness, etc., and/or blatantly violating the law was guilty and subject to judgment. And yet, Jesus is instructing His disciples that those who have sin cannot truly judge others who likewise have sin, because, in that circumstance, the same judgment meted out to the accused will turn around and be applicable to the accuser.
Therefore, a new system was in order. Sin and judgment must be handled in a different way. This is where Jesus Christ came in as savior. He fulfilled the law, removed sin and the curse, and opened a way for mankind to be restored to the heavenly Father. That generation living during His lifetime would need to accept this new and living way of righteousness or they would experience the wrath of God which came in 70 AD. We too need to accept this truth.
As new creations on the other side of the cross, we are not to judge the world of sin but instead spread the truth of the Gospel, issuing the invitation to lost and dying people to get born again. However, in the church, we are to judge those claiming to be Christians by their fruit; basically we are to test what comes out of their mouth and observe their actions. If their words and behavior don't line up with God's Word, we need to confront in love.
This area of church judgment is hard at times, but it is so important. We cannot let God's standards slip for a moment. This Gospel must be guarded from the wolves in sheep's clothing who lurk in our congregations, desiring to destroy the beauty of the freedom Jesus brings!
Under this New Covenant, we are to ask, seek, and knock, and all good things will be given to us by the heavenly Father. He has given us His son, Jesus, His Holy Spirit, His very self. What greater gift is there?!
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