Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Colossians 3:18-19.
Submission to spiritual authority is important in the body of Christ, especially in the area of marriage. Why? Because marriage is a picture of the bride/wife of Christ being one with Him, being part of His body. How can two or more walk together unless they agree? Can you imagine your arm or leg deciding to rebel and not want to function with the rest of your body? Yes, some of us have seen that and it creates great chaos. There is wonderful harmony when all the parts of our body work in harmony with our head/mind.
This is true for marriage, the church, parent/child, employer/employee, and even master/servant situation (although the Bible does NOT condone indentured servitude!) The point is that everything should be done to the Glory of God!
Colossians is a wonderful book filled with spiritual treasure for those willing to dig it out!
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