Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rest in Me

This is a lovely poem written by my dear friend, which she received from the Lord while praying. I feel like this has come from the heart of King Solomon when he wrote Song of Songs - an intimate look at the Savior's passionate love for the church.

My Beautiful Bride,

You are the one that I love the most. I love you more than anything in the world.

I was there the day you were born. I suffered with you when you were so hurt. Things were spoken over you, and I mourned.

But when you found me, I rejoiced. My beautiful lover that was lost has been found!. I can finally take my bride home.

Your beauty overwhelms me -- creator of the universe bows to you in love. I have held you in my arms and danced with you, kissed you, been intimate with you, let you cry. I have gently placed my hand over your heart and healed it, restored it, and held it.

I have breathed my own creatures into your womb, of whom I love as much as I love you, and of whom I have great plans for.

My love, do not fret and do not fear. I am your guide, your strength, your protection, your provision. I am Lord and I am God. And you, my sweet bride, are mine. I ran to the cross for you - RAN.  My intense love for you wasn't satisfied until you were back in my embrace.

As I wrap my arms around you, do not look around, but look up to Me. I am all that you need and I am right here.

Nothing can separate us. Lean into my chest and believe that my love has done the work.

I am the everlasting God, and my work is complete.  Rest in Me.

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