Friday, November 9, 2012

Purity Boxes

Here is a wonderful post from one of the members of our study. Aren't these boxes beautiful? Be blessed!
Hi Friends!

This past weekend was DNOW (disciples Now weekend), this is a discipling event that takes place once a year in our church.  There were 1000+ kids ages 6th-12th grade that took part in this AMAZING weekend.  The theme was ABNORMAL.  Compared to the secular world we are called to be different, not normal!! Rom. 12:2, Matt. 5:43-49,  John 3:19-21

I had prayed for God to use me and to give me something visual to share with our 6th grade girls regarding the topic of Purity and Boundries.  They love to see His word come alive and be tangible.  This gift box is something they can relate to and take with them.  God is so good and He is quick to answer our prayers all the way down to the colors.

This is the beautiful way in which He placed the words on my heart and what I said to the girls.

This a symbol of Gods gift to each one of us, our purity.
This box represents His gift one of many and a very important one.
It is silver and His light shines from us.
The sides represent the boundries in our lives and inside the box on blue strips of paper is His Word the Living Water (blue paper, representing water) and the Truth.
Laying inside His word is a white heart which represents His righteousness and His purity that He gave to us when we trusted in Him and exchanged our sin for His righteousness.
The purple ribbon represents His Kingship and High Priesthood in our lives.
This box is a symbol to remember how much He loves us.  No matter what our past looks like in Christ we are forgiven and are clothed in His righteousness.

I have also written a card.
To: My Precious Daughter
From: God, Abba or Daddy.

Our Father in Heaven gives good gifts!

P = protection, He is our Protector Ps. 91
U = understanding, He understands, Heb. 2:18
R = rest,  rest in Him, Ps. 62
I = immediate, He is there 24/7, Heb. 13:5
T = truth, His word is the Truth, Ps. 33:4
Y = yours, He is your God, Is. 41:13

The gift of purity is wrapped in the Truth of God!
Your love for us is so deep and so great!
You are an Awesome God worthy of our praise and worship!
Thank you Lord for your many blessings!

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