Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gift Heaped Upon Gift - Christmas is all about Jesus!

John 1:16 in the Amplified translation says this: for out of His fullness we have all received one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and favor upon favor and gift heaped upon gift. 

This Christmas, while you are out and about, shopping for friends and family, don't feel guilty about buying and giving (provided you aren't breaking your wallet!) because it all represents Jesus, the greatest, most wonderful gift given to mankind. He is an exceeding, abundant, more-than-you-can-think-and-imagine gift given to us by Abba, Father God. This year, all of us in our Wed morning bible study have a renewed attitute about shopping, wrapping, and all the hustle and bustle that goes along with the holiday season. Instead of dread and anxiety, we are excited and expectant, basking in the everyday joys of baking, decorating, shopping, wrapping, and entertaining. It's all about Jesus! Keep Him in the forefront of Christmas and the dread and anxieties will melt away!

Here is a lovely gift my dear, dear friend, Terri, made for me for Christmas. I love it and will cherish it always! Again, Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Purity Boxes

Here is a wonderful post from one of the members of our study. Aren't these boxes beautiful? Be blessed!
Hi Friends!

This past weekend was DNOW (disciples Now weekend), this is a discipling event that takes place once a year in our church.  There were 1000+ kids ages 6th-12th grade that took part in this AMAZING weekend.  The theme was ABNORMAL.  Compared to the secular world we are called to be different, not normal!! Rom. 12:2, Matt. 5:43-49,  John 3:19-21

I had prayed for God to use me and to give me something visual to share with our 6th grade girls regarding the topic of Purity and Boundries.  They love to see His word come alive and be tangible.  This gift box is something they can relate to and take with them.  God is so good and He is quick to answer our prayers all the way down to the colors.

This is the beautiful way in which He placed the words on my heart and what I said to the girls.

This a symbol of Gods gift to each one of us, our purity.
This box represents His gift one of many and a very important one.
It is silver and His light shines from us.
The sides represent the boundries in our lives and inside the box on blue strips of paper is His Word the Living Water (blue paper, representing water) and the Truth.
Laying inside His word is a white heart which represents His righteousness and His purity that He gave to us when we trusted in Him and exchanged our sin for His righteousness.
The purple ribbon represents His Kingship and High Priesthood in our lives.
This box is a symbol to remember how much He loves us.  No matter what our past looks like in Christ we are forgiven and are clothed in His righteousness.

I have also written a card.
To: My Precious Daughter
From: God, Abba or Daddy.

Our Father in Heaven gives good gifts!

P = protection, He is our Protector Ps. 91
U = understanding, He understands, Heb. 2:18
R = rest,  rest in Him, Ps. 62
I = immediate, He is there 24/7, Heb. 13:5
T = truth, His word is the Truth, Ps. 33:4
Y = yours, He is your God, Is. 41:13

The gift of purity is wrapped in the Truth of God!
Your love for us is so deep and so great!
You are an Awesome God worthy of our praise and worship!
Thank you Lord for your many blessings!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Heart of Man

Some of you may have wondered where we've been, but rest assured we have been studying, worshiping, and praising the Lord every week! We are a small group who look at the Word, pray in the Spirit as a group, and allow the Spirit of God to freely move and speak to us. We have had tongues, interpretation (in word and drama!), singing, and prophetic words of encouragement. We've had healings and miracles in finances and business and in the lives of our children and extended family members. We have learned that we are no longer sinners, but precious sons of Abba Daddy God who loves us as much as His dear son, Jesus, because we are IN Jesus! How freeing! The Lord is purging religion out of our lives and bringing us deeper into the Gospel of Grace that Paul preached. The power of the New Covenant is knowing we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and that there is NOTHING more we need to do to please our Heavenly Father.

That being said, we hit a stumbling block in looking at Hebrews, particularly the first 4 chapters, because there is much discussion regarding the hardness of men's hearts. Many of us have been taught that it is impossible to discern the heart of a man, but the Word tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Jesus also tells us that we will know men by their fruit. Hebrews warns and encourages us to be careful and not harden our own hearts like Israel did in the wilderness, refusing to  believe in the promises and blessings Jesus bought for us on the cross. While examining our own hearts, we couldn't help but examine those of our family and friends.

All of us determined that there may be loved ones in our lives who have hardened their hearts toward the Lord and aren't truly born again. That is a tough reality to swallow, given the propensity of many main-line denominations in North America to make assumptions that most church-goers are saved. But in looking closely at Scripture, we see that we must come to the truth and acknowledge that some have been deceived. At first blush there is sadness at this revelation, but then we were reminded by the Lord to pray! Like Abraham did for Lot, Moses did for Israel, and David did for Solomon, there is power in the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man to intercede for our loved ones and claim them as protected and part of the household of God! Rahab the harlot got all of her family, including her parents, into her house on the day Israel came to conquer Jericho and they all came out unscathed, including their goods and things. If God will do that for Rahab, certainly He will do it for us!

All of us in the group are interceding in prayer for those hard-hearted loved ones in our lives and are claiming them as saved! Praise God for that wonderful privilege and opportunity to pray with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ! We know are prayers will be answered. Thank you Lord that you will manifest the desires of our heart, just as you did for Rahab the harlot - mother to Boaz who married Ruth!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A look at Hebrews

Well, we have started out slowly looking at the first chapter of Hebrews which describes Jesus Christ as the son of God, the creator, and the exact representation of the nature and character of God--the complete expression of His glory! As the body of Christ, we are part of all of that and share in it as joint heirs with Jesus! How exciting! Can't wait to learn more and will share it here on this blog.

Look what a dear sister painted for me. Beautiful, isn't it? I'm always amazed at the talent in this bible study! All from our abba daddy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

God the Creator--In Us!

We are back from a nice, long summer and are studying the spirit of sonship before launching into a study of Hebrews. As born again believers, we are full grown sons of God and have been given the spirit that cries out Abba, Daddy! We are no longer under the spirit of fear that is common to a servant or a slave. We are God's sons and He is our Daddy through Christ Jesus! If you've never had a loving, earthly daddy, you have a heavenly one now. And He can make up for all the areas where our earthly parents fall short--and then some! We are very blessed!

Check out what our sister, Chris, painted over the summer. It was selected for a juried art show at our church, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia, and was inspired by the theme of brokenness. Truly anointed by God. We can't wait to see what more wonderful paintings the Lord will pour out into her in the coming days!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Jesus in the Heavens

AOL ran a story today about a solar flare, or a solar storm from our sun that erupted today (link is found below). Scientists believe there will be more of these bursts of light in the near future.

This is a picture provided by NASA. Isn't it amazing? When I first looked at it, I saw a pair of praying hands in the middle, but then when I looked closer, I saw a ram with ram's horns and white fleece in the lower left-hand corner, worshipers in the lower right-hand corner, and then Jesus in the middle with His powerful right hand holding something to his chest - maybe an injured child - I'm not sure. I also see columns behind Jesus' head, which looked like buildings in a city - the new Jerusalem.

Here is what a sister in the bible study saw: In addition to the Ram, Jesus and the church kneeling I see the newness of life in Christ symbolized by the butterfly in the bottom left corner and I see the Glory of God laying on the head and shoulders of Jesus as His head is bowed.  I also see defeated satan in the background on his way to the pit of fire. 

That's pretty amazing! Some people may scoff at us seeing spiritual sights in the heavens, but we are spiritual people who are children of a spiritual God. It should be normal for us to be aware of God's spiritual realm and abnormal for us to be scoffers and doubters. Even David said this about the heavens:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. [There is] no speech nor language, [where] their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which [is] as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, [and] rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth [is] from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Psalms 19: 1-6

I can't help but get excited every time I see Jesus revealed through nature, and this solar eruption is one of the highlights of nature showing off the glory of God. When Jesus comes again and reveals Himself to the world, perhaps it will be in a similar manner. Take a look and tell us what you see!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Be Blessed!

We had a wonderful brunch at Heidi's lovely home, talking, catching up, sharing, laughing, and most of all, eating fabulous food! Terri and I got there early, so we received the tour of the house, delighting in all of Heidi's crafty decorating ideas. I especially liked Genevieve's room with the pink and black-n-white zebra print and the tennis racket art over the bed!

I love this card that I received! It is encrusted with multi-colored beads with a green bow and I love shoes--especially high heels. Also, I especially love the gorgeous antique sofa that you all gave me! Wow! I have had my eye on for a very long time, from the moment I saw it in Chris' garage and could visualize it in our ministry house. Here is a picture:

When I get it all cleaned up, etc., it will be lovely! I thank all of you from the depths of my heart! I told Chris I was thinking that morning about this sofa and asking the Lord what I should pay her for it, and then there it was several hours later! Every time I look at it and sit on it, I will think of our time together in this season when we all got a new revelation of the Gospel of grace!

We're not sure where we will be in August when the new school year rolls around, but the Lord knows, and it will be fabulous! He has worked wonders in all of our lives. Many of us have grown in the Gospel of grace--the pure gospel that Paul preached--and we have come to understant how much God LOVES us and how much He desires to BLESS us in every area, exceedingly, abuntantly above ALL we can ask or think! My prayer is that all of us continue to receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, wisdom that supercedes the wisdom of the world, and experience that shalom peace as we sit at His feet and bask in all He is doing. All of us have MUCH to look forward to and expect in the coming days!

I love all of you ladies and can't wait to see you some over the summer and then reconvene in accordance with the Lord's plan come August. Love to all!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

He's In You!

We finished up our bible study for this term and are breaking for the summer. All of us have grown so much, learning more about the Gospel of Grace - which is the same gospel that Paul preached. We all shared the scriptures that spoke to us during the study that we have come to claim as prayers and declarations to ensure that our faith is strong and properly grounded on a daily basis.

Some one in the group mentioned 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. This is one of my favorite scriptures and I've meditated on it for years, but this time it resonated with me in a fresh way. Christ Jesus is IN us. Think about that - how can you ever go wrong if He's IN you? 

In Acts 17:28, Paul told the men in Athens that IN HIM we live and move and have our being. That means every thing that I do, even the mundane, ordinary things, are done with Him moving and breathing and living inside of me, guiding and directing my steps! Don't you already sense a spirit of peace come over you as you rest in that revelation? If Christ is IN you, is there ever a reason to worry or be anxious or fearful? This is a deep, rich treasure that has been laid up for us in Christ Jesus, and He desires that we receive it - which means He wants us to believe it, seize it, and take hold of it and never let go. Mary did this as she sat at His feet and allowed Him to pour Himself into her while her sister, Martha, was busy in the kitchen, suffering from anxiety and stress. Mary was in a place of peace and rest, and Jesus said in Luke 10:42 that it would not be taken away from herThis place of rest is what many of us in the study have come to understand. 

Jesus Christ of Nazreth is IN you, and He's never going to leave. This is a profound truth that ends all worldly concerns. Mediate on that truth and rest in the knowledge that your savior is IN you. In Him you live and move and have your being. Praise God!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Receive the Gift Righteousness!

We finished up with Pastor Prince's grace teaching and made a commitment to write our own prayer/declaration/confession of righteousness based on the truths we've learned from this study. It is always a great idea to read scripture on your own, memorize it, mediate on it, and then incorporate it into a personal prayer that will build your faith in believing who you truly are in Christ Jesus.

The scripture that means so much to me is Romans 5:17. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) So many Christians are not reigning in life--and that included me for many years. They are dying early from sickness and disease, getting divorced, suffering from poverty and lack, and under a general spirit of oppression. They live like the world and see only from the natural perspective. If you asked many of them about the supernatural realm, they might think you are talking about the latest Hollywood horror flick. But the irony is, they have been made the righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:21). In other words, they are as right with God as they are ever going to be because of what Jesus did on the cross. In fact, they are as righteous as Jesus Christ Himself! So what is the problem? Why are they living like cursed sinners? Because they haven't received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness!

One of the great advantages of technology is access to the original Greek language in the Bible. I love using and have an app on my IPhone so that I can quickly look at the original language of a word in Scripture and get a better understanding of what the Holy Spirit is saying. My prayer/study partner and I are always on our BLB apps looking through the concordance and searching out the root meanings of scriptural references. With respect to the word "receive" in Romans 5:17, I was amazed to learn that it doesn't mean what we may think, coming from a western society--that grace and righteousness have been plopped into our lap like rain from the sky. Yes, we have been saved by grace, and yes we have been made the righteousness of God, but in order to receive all of that, we must seize it, take hold of it, and appropriate it for our own use. This is what the original Greek word means.

Wow! I had never done that before. I had never grabbed hold of the abundance of grace and free gift of righteousness and appropriated it as my own. I just assumed it was mine and that it would mystically manifest in my life somehow when God was willing (mainly after I had obediently performed enough righteous acts to make Him pleased with me - ugh - Jesus did it all on the cross!). But that's not what scripture says! I am required to take hold of it, which means I must believe it and speak it, mediate on it, believe it even more, and speak it again, over and over, until it becomes a manifestation in my life, enabling me to rule and reign now, in this lifetime. It's all about me discovering and coming to believe something that has already taken place in the spiritual realm on the very day I became a believer. It has absolutely nothing to do with me rooting out my sin--what nonsense! Sin was dealt with 2000 years ago! It's all about discovering my righteousness in Christ Jesus! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Adam's Reign is Over!

Romans 5:17. NKJV. For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

We continued in Pastor Prince's teaching on grace where we focused on this scripture from Romans. Once Adam sinned against the Lord by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (which is a picture of the law), sin came alive, the curse descended on man and death reigned over all of creation. It wasn't until the second (or last) Adam arrived, Jesus Christ, that death's reign ended and eternal life was given. 

Once we become born again children of God, we are translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son, as the Apostle Paul tells us in Colossians. And yet, there are so many Christians who don't believe this truth, despite what they may say. How do we know they don't believe? Just listen to their every day speech. Much of it is peppered with words of death and their conduct indicates a great fear of death. You can even examine some of the hymns and lyrics to current Christian songs, and you will find that some of them (not all) are chocked full of doubt, unbelief, and death. 

If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind who paid for all sin on the cross, then you are spiritually alive and are no longer ruled by death. Just as Paul did, you can boldly state:  O death, where [is] thy sting? O grave, where [is] thy victory? The sting of death [is] sin; and the strength of sin [is] the law. But thanks [be] to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57. 

Check your speech and conduct--are you speaking death over yourself, your children, and your circumstances? Are you in fear of sickness, disease, poverty, lack, or calamity? If so, then death is ruling over you, because you still see yourself as an offspring of sinful Adam. But you are not a sinner any more! You are the offspring of God Himself! What does God have in common with death? Nothing! God is life and life eternal! Celebrate this wonderful gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ and let it reign over you every day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

God Has Moved Mountains!

2 Corinthians 3:7-8 But if the ministry of death, written [and] engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which [glory] was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?

After a nice spring break, we resumed for another great bible study with Pastor Prince on the righteousness of God which is a gift to every believer in Jesus Christ. We learned some very important things. First, in 2 Corinthians 3:7-8, the Apostle Paul explains that the Old Covenant teaching of righteousness was based on man's fulfillment of the law which, ironically, brought condemnation, the curse, and death instead of life. Even though there was some glory in that ministry, it was a glory that was fading away, and after the cross, it became obsolete. Now after the cross, we are under a New Covenant of the Spirit where righteousness is a GIFT received by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. If the ministry of the law had a glory that was fading away, how much more does the ministry of the Spirit exceed in glory--and it is a glory that will never fade or pass away!

When we looked at the nation of Israel in the desert, we saw that they were technically under the dispensation of grace from the moment they fled Egypt to the time the law was given. During that time, no one died, everyone remained strong and healthy and was protected and well provided for. But the moment the people claimed they could keep all of God's commands (without even knowing what they were!), God separated Himself from them and their boastful ways and gave them His holy law. On the day of Pentecost, they were required to consecrate themselves and stay clear of God's holy mountain, Mt. Sinai, or they would die. Only Moses could go up the mountain and receive the law and when he came down later, the people were already in sin, worshipping a golden calf. Very soon after that, 3000 of them died. Once the law came, sin reared its ugly head, the curse came and death reigned.

Flash forward thousands of years later to the day of Pentecost when the church was born. In the second chapter of the book of Acts, when the day of Pentecost had fully come (which was about 9 in the morning), the Spirit came rushing in like a mighty wind, filling all the disciples in the upper room so that they all spoke in other tongues, declaring the mighty and wondrous works of God. Later that day, on Mount Zion, 3000 people were saved! God showed that He had moved the ministry of righteousness from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Zion. His righteousness no longer comes from keeping the law and doing good deeds, but by receiving God's gift of the Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ!

If you are a teacher or preacher of the Gospel, have you moved mountains too? Or are you still stuck on Mt. Sinai, preaching and teaching a mixture of grace and law, which Paul says in Galatians is really a different gospel, if it even can be called a gospel. Change mountains, get over on Mt. Zion where God is, and walk in the fullness of the free gift of God's righteousness. Through Christ, you are as right and as perfect in God's eyes as Jesus! Now that's Good News!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Righteousness is a Gift!

Yesterday we started a DVD/CD study on Grace taught by Pastor Joseph Prince of New Creation Church in Singapore. Everyone left so uplifted and encouraged by the message. There were laughter, tears, dropped jaws and general excitement surrounding the revelation that the righteousness of God is a GIFT from Him, not based in any way on our own works or actions--it is a gift based solely on the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. 

This scripture from 1 Corinthians 2:12 NKJV is foundational: Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. Romans 8:32 tells us that He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all thingsThe Holy Spirit in us desires to reveal all of the rich treasures available to us in this free gift of God's righteousness.

We learned that God is not holding our sins against us, that He has declared us righteous through the blood of His son, Jesus, and that we receive this free gift of His righteousness by faith. He desires to freely give us ALL things, everything our heart desires, and He places no limits on that promise.

We also came to understand that the Holy Spirit is not wagging His finger at us, scolding us for our sins but is constantly convicting us of this gift of righteousness--God's gift of righteousness and NOT our own works or self righteousness. There is a big difference. Think about what you've been taught all of your life. If you've been taught to see yourself as a sinner, to examine your past and present sins and be afraid of any future sins you may commit, to always be sin conscious, to be guilty and feel unworthy before God, to be afraid to talk to Him or ask Him for all and any things you want or need, to sense that He is mad or displeased with you, then you are not walking in the revelation of this free gift of righteousness from God. Receive it and walk in it and stop feeling guilty and condemned!

Believe in big and miraculous things, not because you deserve it or have earned it, but because you are righteous before God, just as righteous as Jesus! You are His child and a member of His body, joint heirs with Him, destined to rule and reign.

When you reduce righteousness down to a free gift based on the work of Jesus and not based on any work done on your part, the Gospel becomes very easy - and exciting. All we have to do is believe it! Believe it, confess it, and walk in it. Thank you Jesus, and Amen!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You Are Loved!

Colossians 1:9-14  For this cause we also, since the day we heard [it], do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins:

Sometimes when we Christians are going through difficult circumstances and we are waiting for breakthrough in a certain area, we may be tempted to believe that God doesn't really love us. We may even question whether we are cursed in some way and maybe not even saved from death, hell, and the grave. But none of that is true if we have believed in and declared Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.Like Ruth, who was blessed to be the redeemed wife of Boaz and the grandmother of King David and in the line of Jesus, we are blessed as the bride of Christ, His wife, sons and daughters of God, kings and priests, destined to reign in this life and in the one to come. Do you really believe that? Can you be like Ruth and believe you are highly favored despite your background and circumstances? Can you believe like Peter and walk upon the water with the wind and the waves swirling all around you, howling in your ear? As Peter discovered, as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus and believed how much he was loved and favored, he was able to walk in supernatural power. However, the minute Peter looked at the wind and waves, he left his supernatural place and became a natural man again, limited by the laws of this natural world. And we all know what happens when natural men try to walk on water--they sink and they sink fast!

Do you know how precious, beloved, blessed, and favored you are? Do you know that God is no longer mad at you about anything? Do you know that there is no sin or condemnation in your life that was not dealt with at the cross? If you do feel any guilt or condemnation, it is not coming from God. God dealt with sin and the curse 2000 years ago when He laid it all on his beloved son, Jesus. Yes, circumstances in your life may be hard, the wind and waves may be coming against you with a vengeance, but do you know your Savior loves you and that He will enable you to rise above it all, to walk above the circumstances around you? If you need healing, He is the healer, if you need finances, He is your provider. If you need relationships restored, He is you reconciliation, if you need a job or position, He is the one who sends favor and good things our way.

In the book of Colossians, the Apostle Paul prayed for the church in Colosse to receive the full revelation of the knowledge of God and who they are IN HIM. Circumstances don't define the Lord or how He sees us, the Word does. The ultimate act of love He has shown us is sending His beloved Son to the cross.

Don't give up, fight the good fight of faith, and keep believing in the promises of the Lord, even if it seems to be taking forever. Concentrate on how much He loves you and how blessed you are. This may sound like foolishness to the world and to natural people, but you are not of this world nor are you a natural person--you are supernatural--a born-again child of God! It's a time for celebration, praise and joy from the Lord's people, the body of Christ, His bride, the sons and daughters of the Most High!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Enjoy the Growth!

Did you know the Apostle Paul's ministry and calling was not just to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles, but also to help raise every believer up into the full knowledge of who they are IN Christ, thus bringing everyone into their full maturity as a Christian? Many times we think spreading the Word of Jesus is all about getting people saved, but based on Paul's teachings, there is whole bunch more.

We looked at the first chapter of Colossians where Paul exalted the believers at Colossae for their faith, unity, and love, and yet he wanted them to experience something more--the fullness of knowing their Savior, Jesus, and the deep, rich treasures of God that have been stored up for the church. This obviously takes time and patience as the maturation process completes its task. Like a rose bud coming into its full bloom, we as Christians must grow and mature in our discovery of who we truly are in Christ and how God sees us. It isn't about doing deeds or completing tasks, but about coming into the full knowledge of the Truth.

We compared this teaching with Ruth's story. When Boaz first saw her, he wanted to know who she was. He called her "daughter," and I believe that for him, it was love at first sight! He took care of her, provided for her and protected her, and invited her to eat at his table to dine on the kingly bread. Instead, she chose to sit with the other maidens and eat of the parched grain. For the remainder of the barley and wheat harvest, Ruth stayed at Boaz's field, gleaning with the other workers, drinking the water drawn by his young men, eating at his table, learning more about him, and most importantly, learning about HOW HE SAW HER! This sounds like a romantic, wooing courtship to me. At the appropriate time, when the harvest was complete, she was ready to claim him as her husband and take her position as his wife. Boaz called her virtuous and declared that the whole city knew of her virtue. Obviously, she had grown into the knowledge of who she truly was. Likewise, this is what the Lord wants from us.

At no time during this wooing process did Boaz scold or admonish Ruth for not walking in a full revelation of how he saw her. He waited quietly and patiently, enjoying the time spent with her, watching with joy as she grew into her revelation that she was meant to be his wife. Think about that! God delights in watching you grow and develop and learn about who He has made you IN Christ. The more light you walk in and the more revelation knowledge you have of the rich treasures in Christ Jesus that have been laid up for you NOW, in this age, the more He is glorified!

Friday, March 9, 2012

All Things Work Together For Our Good!

Romans 8:28 says this: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

We saw the truth in this Scripture in looking at Tamar and Judah in Genesis 38. Because the elders at the gates of Bethlehem prayed and declared that the offspring of Boaz and Ruth would be like the house of Perez (which means a bursting forth) whom Tamar bore to Judah, we thought it important to take a look at her story.

Tamar was Judah's daughter-in-law who was married to his oldest son. Even though the Levitical laws had not yet been given to Israel, it was the custom/law of the day that if a son died, his widow would be given in marriage to the next oldest brother so that the seed or offspring of the dead son would not be cut off. It so happens that Tamar's husband died (because he was wicked) and Judah gave Tamar to his next oldest son as a wife. The Bible says that this son knew the children they would have wouldn't be considered his, so he "spilled his seed on the ground." (KJV). This waste of the seed was viewed as wicked in the Lord's eyes, so he too died. Judah sent Tamar to her home to wait until his third son, Shelah, was old enough to take her as his wife - however, he was afraid that Tamar was cursed and that Shelah would die too. Therefore, when Shelah came of age, Judah conveniently forgot about Tamar.

When Judah became a widower, Tamar sought what was rightfully hers. She took off her widow's garment, dressed up as a temple prostitute, and stood by the road where Judah was traveling on business. He saw her, solicited her services (not knowing who she was), and she became pregnant. Because he had nothing to pay, he left her a pledge of his staff, signet seal and cord (which would be the equivalent of our social security card, driver's license and birth certificate!). When he returned later with her payment, she had disappeared, taking all of the pledges with her. Later, after three months had passed, news reached Judah that Tamar had "played the harlot" and was pregnant. Enraged, he demanded that she be burned, but when she presented him with the pledges he declared her righteous! How could that be? Was prostituting herself to get what was rightfully hers part of God's plan?

To a religious person, the answer would be no, but God (through Judah) declared her righteous! I will even go so far as to say that the Holy Spirit prompted her to do exactly what she did! And how do we know that? Because Tamar is one of the few women in history mentioned as being in the line of Jesus the Messiah. She is mentioned first (being the mother of Perez), then comes Rahab the harlot (Boaz's mother), then Ruth (the Moabitess who was the grandmother of King David), and then Bathsheba (who committed adultery with David but later gave birth to King Solomon). Notice that all of these women engaged in or came from a line of sexual sin - we see harlotry, prostitution, incest, and adultery - and all of these women were married into the royal bloodline. Do you see how Tamar is another picture of the church? She was pushed aside, forgotten, deemed cursed, denied what was rightfully hers, then declared a harlot and condemned to a horrific death. But God, in His mercy and grace, restored her and brought her into the royal bloodline of Jesus by giving her not one baby boy, but two - twins! The family of Perez (which means a bursting forth) was the second born and became a mighty family of powerful, valiant men.

It is interesting that this chapter on Tamar is inserted in Genesis right after Joseph (a picture of Jesus) is rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery - giving us further insight on how Tamar is a picture of the Gentile church. She is the one who carried the seed of Judah and then gave birth to an offspring that burst forth from her womb and became a part of God's royal lineage. We see the same thing is true with the offspring of Boaz and Ruth and then with the church on the day of Pentecost over 2000 years ago where all of these prophetic events were ultimately fulfilled. On that day, the Holy Spirit came to the 120 disciples in the upper room like a rushing, mighty wind, filling them with power, signs, and wonders, and prompting Peter to preach the first sermon where 3000 people were added to their number on that day! That's truly a bursting forth of reborn, righteous, children of God brought into the royal bloodline of Jesus!

What may have looked like a horrible act of trickery for Tamar to commit against Judah and his family, was actually the perfect plan of God to bring their offspring into the line of His son, Jesus. While the Lord does not advocate harlotry or deceit or any sin, He does lead and guide His children in ways that are confusing to religious people and the world. But if you are born again in Christ Jesus, remember that the Holy Spirit lives and resides in you, leading you and guiding you into all truth. Others may not see what He is doing in and through you, and may even say that what you are doing is wrong, but trust the Spirit and follow His leading. It will always glorify Jesus and line up perfectly with His word!

Yes, you may endure some persecution for following the Spirit, but as Jesus said at the sermon on the mount, blessed are you when you are persecuted for the word's sake! Like Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba, you are blessed, righteous, and royal, despite your past history. You are a new creation IN Christ Jesus!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Best Christian Blog of the Week!

We were voted the best Christian blog of the week for the week of Feb 26th! See it on!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grace Brings Dead Things to Life

First of all, despite some heavy hearts, we had a wonderful morning of worship and prayer, followed up by a fabulous, Holy Spirit-inspired song from Angela which ended with her singing and praying in the Spirit, and all of us getting a Holy Spirit love hug. We needed it! Then we each wrote on a piece of paper the curses and lies Satan feeds our minds--the things that have played over and over in our thoughts, telling us that we are doomed to failure, etc. and that we just aren't good enough. We then tendered that over to the Lord, rejecting those lies, and accepting His truths. The facts can change, but Truth is eternal! We tore up the papers and settled the matter.

It was very interesting looking at Ruth today. Before Boaz could redeem her and make her his wife, he had to reconcile some things with a closer kinsman redeemer, who represents the law. The law is good and holy, but it is hard and inflexible, with no compassion and mercy, hence it was written and engraved by God on stones. If we are imperfect and fail to abide by the law fully, we are cursed and condemned as sinners destined for death. Since Ruth was imperfect, being a Moabitess, this closer kinsman redeemer could not redeem her, because he would risk losing his inheritance--again, this is a picture of a good and holy, yet inflexible, law which cannot tolerate sin. Boaz, who represents grace, steps in and redeems Ruth, and he does it gladly, taking her as his wife with the purpose of bearing children so that the seed of her dead husband will have new life. Likewise, Jesus, who is our heavenly Boaz, is the only one who can take dead, cursed people and things and bring new life to them. Israel thought the law could complete the task, but it cannot. Life only comes through grace. Life only comes through Jesus Christ.

Boaz's redemption of Ruth was done publicly and properly, before witnesses, at the city gates, which would be our equivalent of a county courthouse. While Ruth was waiting patiently at home with Naomi, Boaz was taking care of business and setting things right. Likewise, while the whole world went about their business on the day of Passover some two thousand years ago, Jesus took care of business in the spiritual world and redeemed us from sin. Colossians tells us He did it legally, properly and completely in front of witnesses where the law was nailed to the cross and Satan was stripped of his authority and made an open show in front of all the demons of hell. Jesus' redemption was so complete that Scripture says it blotted out and wiped away God's handwriting on the stone where the law was written! That's why God says He will remember our sins no more! Who else can do that but Christ Jesus?!

Jesus has brought new life to us and is well able to take the dead things in and around us and bring new life to them. Just like Boaz, who took Ruth in as his wife, shared his wealth and prosperity with her, and gave her a child that would be in the line of King David and Messiah Jesus, our Savior has taken us as His wife, shared His inheritance with us and put us IN HIM, so that we are in a royal bloodline where there is only life and no death. Surrender everything in your life to Him-your past, present, and future-your health, finances, and relationships and allow Him to give them new life. He says He has come to bring us life, and life more abundantly!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Two Have Become One

When Ruth came to Boaz and asked him to be her kinsman redeemer, she lay at his feet all night and then left early in the morning before anyone else knew what was going on. The arrangement they had was secret, unknown to anyone else other than Naomi. What was the secret? That Ruth would become Boaz's wife and the two would become one, Ruth would become part of the royal bloodline of King David and Jesus.

Did you know the same can be said for Christ and His church? The great mystery of God that was hidden throughout the ages, even from the angels and the demons, was the union of His son Jesus, our heavenly Boaz, and His bride, the church, a spiritual version of Ruth. The two becoming one is the mystery of marriage between a man and woman, which is really the divine mystery of God and man being one through the marriage of Christ and the church! The natural mind cannot understand this, but the Holy Spirit within us gives us the revelation of this truth. You are one with God if you are in Christ Jesus! Jesus even prayed this prayer in the Book of John before the crucifixion. I in you and you in me.

When Ruth returned home with six sheaves of barley from Boaz, Naomi, who represents Israel, was convinced that Boaz would redeem Ruth that day. Naomi counseled Ruth that all she had to do was sit patiently and wait. The same is true with us. Your kinsman redeemer, Jesus, is doing all the work in your life right now to redeem you from all obstacles and hurts. In fact, He did it 2000 years ago when He died on the cross and took away all of your sin. The bible says He even planned it before the foundation of the world! He knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb and died for you to redeem you so you could be one with Him! Think about that! If you are one with God through Christ Jesus, then how can you not reign in life just like Ruth?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You are in the Bloodline!

As we continue in our study of Ruth, we find that Ruth's bloodline came from an incestual relationship between Lot and his oldest daughter after God judged Sodom. We know that Sodom was a decadent city where sexual perversion was accepted. Read in Genesis how the men in the city desired to have sexual relations with God's angels, and Lot tried to appease them by offering his daughters in exchange. It's no surprise that his daughters would later try to propagate their seed through an inappropriate sexual relationship with their father.

Many Christians cringe when they hear about sex abuse, but the statistics today are 1 in 4 girls are being sexually molested by a trusted adult in their lives. The guilt and shame they experience is no different than what the Moabites may have felt when they learned about God's law against such sexual sin. Many children are taught by their abuser that this perverted behavior is okay, but when they are older and learn that it is wrong, guilt, shame, and condemnation follows.

Christ has redeemed us from ALL guilt, shame, and condemnation by shedding His blood on the cross! We see a beautiful picture of this in Ruth when she approaches Boaz (a picture of Jesus, the kinsman redeemer) and asks that he take her as his wife and propogate her family's seed i.e. have children with her. Unlike Lot's daughters who used their own efforts to prosper and increase, Ruth relied on God through her kinsman redeemer, Boaz. She did not fill him with wine and lay with him as he slept, thus seducing him as Lot's daughters did with their father, but rather she laid at Boaz's feet and asked for God's covering and protection. It is a picture of the cursed line of Moab being made new and brought into a fresh bloodline that produced David, the future king of Israel, as well as Jesus the Messiah! The cursed bloodline became blessed!

Have you felt shame, guilt, and condemnation because of past sexual sin that was inflicted on you or that you may have engaged in willingly? Then know that in Christ, there is no shame, guilt or condemnation for anything! You are forgiven for all sin, past, present, and future! You are a new creation in Jesus, and like Ruth, are brought into a fresh, blessed bloodline, the bloodline of the risen Lord!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Virtuous Woman

We are continuing our look at the Book of Ruth, staying in chapter 3. I realized that when Ruth went to Boaz and asked for redemption, he called her a virtuous woman, even though there was nothing about her that would be considered virtuous, other than the fact that she had honored and loved Naomi and had accepted the God of Israel as her own. She was simply a Moabitess, a heathen Gentile outside of the covenant--poor, widowed, under the curse, living in a hostile region where she wasn't even allowed to worship in the temple--and yet Boaz saw her as virtuous. The amplified bible describes her more fully as a woman of strength, worth, bravery and capability.

Immediately, I thought of the Proverbs 31 woman who God called virtuous. Enough with man's definitions of what and who is virtuous--let's see what God says on the matter! All of my life I had heard verses 10-31 preached and taught in context of a woman's natural circumstances, but now that we have received revelation that the Book of Ruth is a word picture of the church and her heavenly Boaz, Jesus, we are able to see things from a spiritual perspective.

Today, when we read verse 10, the first thing that caught our attention is that a virtuous woman is someone who is precious--more precious than fine jewels, rubies, and pearls. When Jesus looks at us, His church, he sees us as precious and lovely, like a valuable and rare stone! Did you know that? I sure didn't--not until I got into these scriptures, and the Holy Spirit started to shed light on the issue. The Lord goes on to say in verse 11 that He trusts in us, relies on us, and believes in us. He believes we can do all things through Him who strengthens us! He believes that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! He trusts us with the gifts, talents and anointings He has given us, so lets use them and be confident that He is pleased!

Once we have revelation of how precious, loved, honored, and trusted we are, then we will be able to see (like the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 and Ruth), that all we do in and for the kingdom is good (verse 18). If your heavenly bridegroom has equipped you and empowered you to do something, He trusts you with that ability and ensures that the fruit of your labors will be GOOD! You will not have fear, you will not be afraid, you are secure in the truth that you and your entire family are protected and covered in scarlet (the blood) (verse 21). You will love Him, trust Him, revere Him, and you, in turn, will be praised! (verses 30-31) While we praise Him for all He is, He is praising us for all we are in Him. We are His precious, lovely, and righteous bride!

Read Proverbs 31:10-31 and get a revelation of how precious you are to Jesus! He died for you, His precious, lovely one!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No More Curse!

When you allow the Holy Spirit to be the teacher in your bible study, you find that many times He leads the discussion away from the topic you thought you were supposed to teach on. For example, today I sensed in my spirit that there wasn't going to be much from the book of Ruth taught today, even though we had a great study last week and were prepared to go forward and look at chapter 4. As it turns out, the question of curses, particularly the doctrine of generational curses, was brought up, so the Holy Spirit taught on this issue. We were taken to Galatians 3: 13-14.

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ: that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Scripture is clear that there are no more curses on the believer - AT ALL! There is a very popular charismatic teaching in the body of Christ that we are all under Old Testament generational curses and that they must be rooted out, etc - this is simply NOT TRUE!. I know many well-meaning Christians who love God and desire to serve Jesus but have been hood-winked by the devil into believing this false doctrine. The truth is that Jesus Christ took every curse, being made a curse for us - now the blessing of Abraham and ALL of its benefits flows to us believers, Jew and Gentile alike.

If you are black, you are not cursed because of the enslavement of African Americans in our culture; if you come from a family of sickness and disease, you are not cursed with those same diseases; if you are a woman, you are not cursed because of your gender; abused, raped, not cursed because of the shame of your past; poverty-stricken, not cursed to always be in lack; lack of education, not cursed and prevented from being promoted or placed in a position of prominence, and the list goes on and on. You are blessed, regardless of your circumstances!

Don't look at the doctor's report, your check-book, your pile of bills, or listen to negative confessions from family and friends - you are blessed and that is the truth. Facts can change, but the truth never changes. God loves you and you are highly favored. You are His born-again child, accepted in the beloved and are as perfect and righteous as Jesus! Hold fast to the promises God has given you and don't let doubt or unbelief take root. Your testimony is coming!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No Judgment for the Christian

Romans 14.

Our Tuesday night small group is finishing up our study of Romans, so I thought I would post some of the points we discussed on this blog.

We talked about how our freedom in Christ to eat and drink all things or the freedom to operate in the Spirit as the Lord directs should not be flaunted in front of a weaker believer who does not have the same revelation of such freedoms. A weaker believer would be someone who is under some self-imposed law and does not have full revelation of the entire freedom he or she has a member of the body of Christ. In cases where we know our freedom to partake or engage might cause that weaker brother or sister to stumble, doubt, or be tempted to act against their convictions, then we should abstain or refrain, as the case may be. Everything that we do should be done to the glory of God to build others up and edify them in the Lord.

We all concluded that it is difficult to make hard and fast rules in this area, but that it is best to hear from the Lord and be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus only said and did what He heard the Father say and saw the Father do. And we should do likewise.

Also, in combination with 2 Corinthians 5: 10, Paul tells us not to judge or criticise fellow believers, because all of us will appear before the judgement seat of Christ (Greek work there is bema, or step/place where the foot rests) to receive rewards and payment for what we have done in the body. Immediately, some of the ladies in the group had a look of fear cover over them, thinking the judgment seat of Christ is a bad place where Jesus will judge us for all the things we've done wrong. But that is not the case. The bema seat of judgment is a place where rewards are given by Jesus to His bride, the church, whereas the Great White Throne judgment seat in Revelation 20 is a place where unbelievers will be judged and condemned for the sin of not accepting Jesus. They are two very different judgment seats. It is important to understand that believers will NEVER be judged for their sin or wrongdoings, because ALL of their sins, past, present, and future, were judged in the body of Jesus 2000 years ago on the cross. God no longer remembers our sins-they have been washed away forever by the precious blood of His son.

After a lengthy discussion on this topic, I saw the fear disappear from the ladies eyes and a look of excitement come over them--Jesus, their bridegroom, their Lord and Savior, is going to give them rewards for what was done here on earth. What an exciting thing to look forward to!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ruth - Chapter 3

Well, today we did a bit of review on Ruth, looking at chapters 1 and 2 and who the different characters represent. Boaz is the kinsman redeemer, who is clearly Jesus, Ruth is the Gentile believer who accepts the Jewish God of Naomi as her own, and she clearly represents the church. But what about Naomi - who does she represent?

I prayed and asked the Lord for revelation, and during the study, the Holy Spirit revealed that she represents the Jewish people who in the last days of the soul harvesting, will be invigorated with a renewed excitement about the heavenly Boaz, Jesus. When Naomi saw how favored Ruth was, despite the circumstances against her, her faith was revived and she excitedly told Ruth about the blessing of the kinsman redeemer that was available to the two of them. I believe that the predominately Gentile church today is on the brink of enticing the Jewish people in the same way to seek out and claim their Messiah, Jesus!

Ruth obeyed her mother-in-law, Naomi (who again, represents the Jewish people who were entrusted with the oracles of God, Scriptures, and prophecy of Messiah) and sought the refuge of Boaz. By claiming her right of redemption, Ruth was about to go from being daughter (which is what Boaz called her at their first meeting) to BRIDE!

Did you know that in these last days, Jesus will reveal to you that God is not just a heavenly father and He is not just your Savior, Lord, brother, Redeemer, but He is your BRIDEGROOM! Who is the bridegroom? One who woos, romances, loves with a passion, cherishes the bride (who is the church), and truly GETS who she is inside, essentially the consummate soul mate.

Did you know that you have a soul mate in Jesus? I never really got that revelation until today. And I was the teacher! But really it was the Holy Spirit teaching. What a wonderful, deep, lovely, comforting revelation from the Lord!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ruth - Chapters 1 and 2

We are studying the Book of Ruth, who is a picture of the Church. I love Ruth and can't wait to meet her in heaven! I have lots of questions to ask her! For those of you who couldn't join us, I have a couple of notes for you about Ruth, so read through chapter 2 and look at the notes below. We will follow up with chapter 3 next week.

1. Ruth was a widow - do you feel like a widow, even though your husband may be alive (and living with another woman) or perhaps living in your home with you?

2. Ruth was poor, insignificant to the world and willing to move into a hostile region where she knew noone other than her mother in law. Ok, so I like her even more!

3. Despite all of that, she believed that God would favor her-and He did! He directed her to Boaz's field.

4. Boaz, who represents Jesus, took interest in her, blessed her, offered her a full reward (which includes everything that He has) and a place at his table to eat his bread dipped in wine and oil. And he called her daughter! Incidentally, this Hebrew word for bread is the same word used for the bread placed on the table of showbread in the Holy Place! And we know that Jesus is the bread of life - do you see what the Lord is telling you?

5. She chose to sit with the other reapers and eat parched grain, but that was ok. Boaz did not force her to eat what she couldn't receive. She ate what she thought she deserved, even though he offered her so much more.

6. Sisters, take the full reward-sit next to the master and eat of his wonderful bread! Enough of the parched grain which suffices for awhile. Let's take of the full reward and enjoy ALL Jesus has to offer! He has given us Himself and everything that He has!