Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Rejoice and Be Thankful!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Precept Upon Precept or Stammering Lips?
Through my years of bible study, I had always understood that the deepest and most revelatory understanding of Scripture came through a line by line study of the Word, particularly with an in-depth study of the original language, whether it be Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek. There are even studies with the terms precept in their titles, all of which promote a deep understanding of God and His Word. While I certainly value an in-depth study of the Bible and taught in-depth studies for years, I often came away with an understanding in some areas but confusion in others that only left me with more unanswered questions. It was a vicious cycle of feeling convicted, condemned, and uncertain as to whether God truly loved me. I know this may not have been the intention of the study or the teacher, but the effect was NOT the joy of the Lord nor the Good News of the Gospel as promised in the New Testament. I realized something was very wrong!
It wasn't until I started praying in the Spirit that revelation of this deadly form of study was made clear. I found teaching on grace and came to understand that these precept studies often extract grace (which points to Christ and His redemption) and insert the Mosaic law (which is harsh, unforgiving, and judgmental) - or worse than that - combine grace with the law. According to Jesus, this combination is tantamount to pouring new wine into old wineskins, which ruins both! (Luke 5:38). Furthermore, Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 3:7-9 that this mixture of grace and law is actually the ministry of condemnation and death! No wonder I always came away from bible study and church feeling like an ole dirty, low-down, rotten sinner!
Where is this joy, peace, and rest promised in the Gospel? I often asked myself. It certainly didn't come from these in-depth Bible studies, but it did begin to come when I prayed in the Spirit and began to look at the Word with a fresh set of eyes - through the eyes of grace and NOT the law. Well, isn't this what the Father prophesied in Isaiah 28? The rest promised by Him will not come through line upon line study - the Pharisees had been studying Old Testament Scripture for years before Jesus arrived on the scene and they were blind to the ways of God. No, the Father said that the rest IN HIM would come through stammering lips and an unknown tongue. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:21 that this prophecy was fulfilled through the Holy Spirit-given prayer language.
As we see in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit was poured out, a deep revelation of the Old Testament prophecies were downloaded into the apostles and disciples, all of which POINTED TO JESUS, not the law! Just look at the bold sermon Peter preached to the Jews on that day of Pentecost 2000 years ago. As soon as he was baptized with power from on high, he spoke with other tongues and his understanding of how Jesus fulfilled Scripture grew astronomically! Even on the road to Emmaus, Jesus taught those two disciples how all the Scriptures pointed to Him! By the Spirit, He opened their eyes to the truth of His fulfillment of all the law and the prophets. (Luke 24:27-31). Bottom line: if your precept studies don't point to the finished work of Jesus, then reject them as deadly!
Religion rejects tongues, just as Isaiah prophesied and Paul explained in his New Testament letter to the Corinthians. Religion will continue to insist on a line upon line study of the Word without any revelation given by the teacher (and comforter), who is the Holy Spirit! While Jesus may be mentioned, there is often a great focus on sin, the law, and judgment that brings about condemnation and fear. This is NOT the good news of the Gospel! Just as Isaiah prophesied, this refusal to accept God's perfect plan will cause many to fall backward, be broken, snared, and taken!
In order for us to truly hear from the Lord and our heavenly Father, we must learn from the Holy Spirit who will always point solely to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the only teacher who will lead and guide us into all truth. Yes, there may be repentance and correction, but it will be done gently and in the spirit of love not in the spirit of condemnation and fear.
If you've been warned by well-meaning denominational teachers to reject tongues as unnecessary (or even of the devil), consider praying to the Lord and reexamine the Scriptures with a fresh set of eyes. Ask Him to enlighten your understanding so that you may come to truly see what Isaiah 28 is actually telling us. (Ephesians 1:18). In these days and times, we need to be walking in the fullness of what the Lord Jesus died to give us! Amen to that!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Pray in the Spirit!
Our final weapon against the enemy is the most powerful, and it is praying in the Spirit. I don't think any of us truly knows what goes on in the spirit realm when we pray in our prayer language. Paul tells us in Romans 8:26 that the Spirit prays for us through groanings and utterances that cannot be understood. And why is that? Because our human minds cannot pray the necessary specifics and details that only God would know.
In John 4:23-24, Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that a time was coming when God's people would worship Him in spirit and in truth. Before the Spirit came to indwell people as God's born again children, God was worshiped via the Mosaic law through the sacrificial system. People had to go to their priest, rabbi, or a prophet to hear from the Lord. Now, we can speak to and hear from the Lord as we sit in our family rooms or as we go about our days, all because the Holy Spirit was given to us as our comforter and guide who dwells inside of us. How amazing! He prays through us, searching the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10) Again, the ramifications of this wonderful gift are astounding.
One of the side effects of praying in the Spirit is a boldness to preach the Gospel with divine revelation that points only to Jesus! Just look at what the timid, scared Peter did on the day of Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out and he and the other disciples prayed in other tongues. (Acts 2). The boldness Peter displayed in preaching how Jesus fulfilled prophecy exceeded anything he or any other priest or rabbi had demonstrated before. I can personally attest that my revelation of how Jesus fulfilled Scripture grew by leaps and bounds when I began praying in my prayer language.
Again, if we truly understood the power of praying in the Spirit, all of us would probably pray night and day! It must be powerful and deadly to the enemy because religious people fight it tooth and nail! But tongues is in the Bible, so I'll keep on believing and praying! Amen to that!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Wear your Helmet of Salvation!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Brandish Your Watery Shield!
Monday, September 1, 2014
Check Your Shoes!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
You are Righteous In Him!
Do you hear this message in your church? This is the Gospel which Paul preached, and it is the ONLY Gospel. Galatians1:8-9.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Phyllis Ford Ministries
“I am gathering the people who are ready to move forward. Those who have walked along the plain path and have not denied my name. So that they may receive their next set of instructions. For that which is going to be completed in this month will thrust them into a greater place of accomplishing my will. Many will have different assignments but once they are gathered together it will weave a pattern of timed release revelation. It will help them understand how the work of the Kingdom will be fulfilled and what needs to be improved upon now. There are so many complex issues that are coming to the surface. This is because of the significance of the hour and what must be done. In times past I spoke through my prophets and even warned you concerning the times that are occurring. And now the seriousness of the hour has come upon my people.”
“If you walk things out according to what I say and not what you see you will be able to rise above the fray. Operating, executing, and obeying me in alignment with my truth will cause you to overcome, accomplish and even assist others into the next phase of their lives. It’s important to learn to operate according to my instructions as they are spoken to you. Listen and prepare your ears to hear what I am saying to you. For you must walk it out without question. You are living in a time when obedience is the order of the day when it comes to making great strides.”
“Your discipline must bring you into a place where you are consciously aware of what is spiritually going on around you. You need to be able to move in the moment, without emotional reactions that keep you from doing what needs to be done right away. The old adage of, "putting off what you can do today tomorrow”, could cause serious consequences. The intent of my words is not to set fear in you. Many of my people by my grace have survived some serious situations. There has been times that I have been clear with them and they refused to hear. Some will delay in their hearing and in the future it could cost them dearly.”
“Disobedience is rebellion pure and simple. Truth is truth and there are no gray areas. You are living in a time when understanding the seriousness of truth is of prime importance. This is a time of accountability. To be a disciple comes with a serious responsibility and the understanding of commitment to the kingdom. It's about duty, honor, and integrity and about those who have a heart and spirit of humility.”
Philippians 2:5-8 (ASV) “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.”
“This is no longer a time to allow rebellion to rule your heart. Don’t allow complacency to trouble your mind and cause you to halt between two opinions. This is not an hour to be double-minded, but to allow my word and my truth to settle in your heart and calm your spirit from fighting inward struggles. You must find peace and comfort in my word allowing it to make the necessary changes and transformation in you.”
“This hour calls for your diligence concerning the things of my Spirit. If you cry out for it I will release a mighty impartation upon you that will transform your thinking and change your reactions towards others. Pray and cry out! For I will hear you and answer you cry. I am looking to raise up many who are willing to make great transformations in this hour. They are yours for the asking and they are nigh at your door. Only believe my beloved. The transformation is not difficult for those who desire change for the anointing to change into another man is NOW.”
“You refuse to live your life based on kingdom principles and then you question the reality that you have created. You can no longer live your life the way you want and then wonder, “Why things have gone wrong?” Remember you are my beloved and there are times when one's attitude, one’s refusal to hear and obey, and even one’s slothfulness can keep you from seeing your way out. Yes, there will be times of my testing and times of my refining. These times will lead you to places in me that will give you understanding as to where you are headed. You can no longer halt between two opinions. You must choose and you must decide in this hour what course your life will take.”
1 Kings 18:21 “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”
“Those who are willing and obedient will be the first to enter into promotion, redeem rewards, and receive the portion I have ordained for them in this season. Even revelation needed for this hour will be for those that consistently walk upright holding on in faith in the midst of adversity. This is a time to believe and lay aside your opinions if they are not formed according to my word.”
“There are things before you that will appear one way but carry a shadow. The shadow is only a small glimpse of what’s really there, but there is a precise moment in which the light reveals the very nature of what has been prepared for you. These suddenlies will make sense to you and you will see that which was before you all along was set as a provision for your future. “
“Revelation will be walked out, and that which you have been praying for will appear before you clearly because you have entered into the fullness of time. Look with the eyes of faith and ask me to interpret what you are looking at because some things will be shadowed by your inability to fully understand it. It will be protected by my glory and released at the time appointed. You will understand and it will become clear to you as you come into the season of its fullness.”
I asked the Lord to give me a clear understanding of what was being said.
This was the answer:
1. It will become like the ram in the bush that is revealed at the time of its need, once Abraham's test was complete. (Genesis22:13)
2. It will become like the food for the multitude of the five thousand when it first perceived to be the lunch of a young lad. (Matthew 14:17-21)
3. It will become like the needed substance to cover the widow’s debt but it was originally a cruse of oil and borrowed pots. (2 Kings 4:1-38)
(I believe that I just scraped the surface and there is so much that needs to be prayed for the fullness of this to be truly understood.)
“Never forget that things may appear one way, but once my hands touch these matters they are changed to become the answer for the circumstances that stand before you. Never look at anything again as being the finality of the matter, because it is through my hands all things can shift, change, conform, and transform to become what is the answer for the situation. Let this principle become real in your heart and endless possibilities will be revealed to you.”
“You are entering into the fullness of time as Rosh Hashanah unveils this moment. In this approaching hour it will change the course of many lives forever. Many things will unfold for Israel, and many things will unfold for my people because all has come into the time of my complete plan. It has been covered but now it is at the time of its revealing. It will earmark great change across the land. It will sweep nations, it will judge the systems of men, and it will change those things that are in its path with purpose, reform, and new life. It will also bring understanding making that which opposes the work of the kingdom clear.”
“There will be a clear distinction as to what the loyalties of the world are and the loyalties of those who will work within the Kingdom. This is a time to be sober-minded but know there will be a shout, a time of rejoicing, and a time of my glory upon my people like never before. September marks the arrival to the destination of my power being revealed upon the land. Know that I will have a people prepared ready to walk out my plan according to my timings.”
“Many have prayed and asked when would these times come? Look now beloved, for you are standing in a key moment of time. You have now entered into this month of September and October all the way through the High Holy Days (From Rosh Hashanah unto the Feast of Tabernacles). Know this is not just be another set of feast but this one will be like none other. It is the time of times and within it carries the Fullness of the Destiny of my people.”
“So look up, be attentive to my words, listen to sounds in the heavens, and stay before my presence. You are standing in front of a door in time and behind this door is OPEN REVELATION to many truths that will be released for all times. A door of destiny and destination, which leads to my path of righteousness, to the salvation of souls, and to the redeeming of a people to show them the way of the light.”
“Many will awake because of the shaking that will take place. They will not just come to the light but they will become the LIGHT out of a dark place. The will become walking REVELATIONS of my words. I will move through your situations blotting out the iniquities of those who want to change and become my people.”
“You will see circumstances change overnight. Even for those who say there is nothing that can happen to help us. Some of the greatest strongholds of evil will be uncovered, because they will manifest in the face of my glory. Know that once it is uncovered a strategy to dismantle it will be revealed. Prayer will always be an important key to overcome the enemies work as my word will continue to unlock mysteries and truths that will carry with it the power to destroy and dismantle those works. For you will be the mighty weapons in my hands.”
“Set a watch over events occurring at the beginning of this month and pray. During the first five days of Rosh Hashanah (beginning September 24th-29th) Watch, Pray, Listen, & Hear my voice of instruction. For will I speak to you words of strength and light. They will be words of great power spoken at the gate.”
Other Related Scriptures:
Jeremiah 6:17 “I appointed watchmen over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!' But you said, 'We will not listen.”
Haggai 2:4 “But now be strong, Zerubbabel,' declares the LORD. 'Be strong, Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,' declares the LORD, 'and work. For I am with you,' declares the LORD Almighty.”
Ezekiel 46:3 “Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the door of this gate before the LORD in the Sabbaths and in the New Moons.” [See also Ezek 45:17]
1 Corinthians 4:5 “Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from Elohim.”
Acts 3:19-21 “Repent, then, and turn to Elohim, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you even Yahusha. He must remain in heaven until the time comes for Elohim to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.”
Then Elohim said: "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons (Hebrew, Ulemoadim), and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so” (Genesis 1:14, 15, NAS).
Elohim had planned into the creation of the world the use of the stars and planets to mark times and seasons. The movement of the sun, moon and stars were provided for this very reason. The Creator placed them in the sky as time markers. His appointed times were part of his plan for man even before man himself was created. Elohim placed the lights in the sky on the fourth day of creation to mark (among other things) his appointed times!
Thank you Phyllis Ford for sharing this with the body of Christ!
Friday, August 22, 2014
No Condemnation for the Woman at the Well!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Have you HEARD of Jesus?
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Finger of God
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Furious Love: a must-see film for all Christians
Saturday, July 12, 2014
God Speaks to Us Through Dreams!
Dr. Barbie Breathitt |
So why would God need to use dreams to speak to us? Well, maybe we're stubborn and hard-headed and our spirit-man can't seem to get through to us because our minds are at a whir, thinking and reasoning for most of the day. Personally, I'm very thankful The Lord continues to instruct us in our sleep (Psalms 16:7) and endeavors to get truth and revelation to us, even if it takes ten years! I have to say, I'm somewhat embarrassed that He needed to give me a dream for over a decade in order to share some truth with me. Oh well, better late than never!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees!
For many years I've studied these Gospel passages regarding the leaven of the Pharisees and being warned by Jesus to steer clear of their teachings. It's easy when the modern-day Pharisee espouses that Jesus is NOT the Messiah or that one is saved through the works of the law and NOT by grace through faith, but what about the person who is IN the church, who appears to be born again, filled with the Spirit, and walking in the gifts and anointing of the Spirit? These modern-day Pharisees can be very hard to detect and so can be extremely dangerous, particularly to the baby or fledgling Christian who is just beginning to spread his or her spiritual wings. The only way to avoid being deceived by such people is to be deeply rooted and grounded in the Word of God.
My first encounter with the modern-day Pharisee was at a retreat at a very famous Christian retreat center named after a prominent evangelist. Everything seemed to be going fine UNTIL I made the mistake of espousing that I was continuing to attend a denominational church which did not believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. In these Pharisees' minds, I was committing the unpardonable sin to continue sitting under the teaching of a pastor who did not believe in such doctrine. When I explained that I felt called to stay at this church, they looked down their long, judgmental noses. And then when I had the audacity to declare that I believed in the authority of the believer over the enemy in the name of Jesus AND that I believed in divine healing, I was labeled a rebellious heretic who was operating in the spirit of witchcraft!
At that moment, I understood exactly how the apostles of old felt when they shared their faith to a hostile crowd - I literally heard hisses and boos when I asked, "Didn't Jesus' death on the cross attain authority over Satan for His church?" Boo! Hiss! Stone her! Send the witch to the gallows! I felt like I was in a weird Cecil B. DeMille movie. While the experience was very unpleasant, I felt that the Lord had taught me a very important lesson. I stuck to the scriptures despite the manifested anointing and supposed prophetic utterances of these modern-day Pharisees.
Now, I had no animosity toward these people as individuals, since I knew I was really battling the religious spirits BEHIND these individuals. I only have to look at Ephesians 6:12 to know that ... we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in highplaces. So it does no good to get angry or hostile in these situations. Just stick to the Word and stand your ground. And when you have done all you can do, continue to stand! Ephesians 6:13.
Well, wouldn't you know it, but a similar thing happened to me again this past weekend. I attended a wonderful spiritual retreat, but the spirit of religion was there on the first day, waiting to pounce on me. I was invited to lunch by two supposed prophets who espoused all sorts of junk that made my head spin. None of it lined up with Scripture! They had gotten so wrapped up in signs and wonders and prophetic utterances that they had deviated from the Word of God! I felt the long, cold, hard glares of judgment dart from their eyes and down their noses when I shared my testimony and faith. It took quite a bit of strength to stand up to their condemnation, but stand I did! Later, I asked the Lord why I had felt called to go to lunch with these people, since I thought for sure they were meant to minister to me. No, I heard in my spirit, YOU were supposed to minister to them and REMIND them to get back to the Word of God and stand on Scripture. I don't know if I was successful there.
I write this to encourage those of you who may have experienced a similar circumstance. You may be basking in the joy and delight of the Lord, excited about all He is doing in your life and the divine wisdom and revelation He is downloading into your spirit - you are eagerly awaiting for signs and wonders to confirm the teaching and preaching of the Word - and then like a bolt of lightning, you are met by judgment and condemnation from those who are supposedly mature and who have supposedly experienced great and mighty wonders of the Lord. If in that instance you get a sick feeling in the pit of your belly, then rest assured you have run smack dab into the spirit of religion!
Test what they have to say! Listen closely and see if it lines up with the Word. John instructs us to test the spirits. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1. If it doesn't line up, then cast it out as false and don't receive it.
But on the other hand, remain teachable and be prepared to learn from those who are true to the Word and who are more spiritually mature than you. We don't want to be hard-hearted and close-minded or we risk becoming another modern-day Pharisee! Yikes! The authentic New Testament apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher may sound the alarm to a lost and dying world, but to the believer, they will always build up and edify, encouraging us in our faith and confirming what the Holy Spirit has already relayed to our own spirit.
Receive from these true ministers of light and you will be blessed in the name of Jesus!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Abide in the Vine
I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5.
For over a week, I had my eye on this brown, withered leaf that dangled from a tree in my backyard, fluttering furiously in the breeze. Every morning, when I sat at my normal place at the end of the sofa with coffee, bible, and iPhone, I watched that leaf - all alone, flapping around frantically with the wind, brown and crinkly with no green leafy friends to provide comfort. Because I'm creative, I see the spiritual side in nature and like to personify birds and flowers and the like. I felt like this leaf had a story - it must have, or why would it, of all leaves, be ready at any moment to fall to the ground when it's neighbors where healthy and alive, living in thick clusters, and fluttering delicately and majestically as the wind blew?
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Sister Clara Grace - Amazing Woman of God!
Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 |
Listen to these wonderful teachings and be blessed!